Call to Order: President Jay Wind called the meeting to order at 7:38 pm. 31 people were in attendance.
Attendees: Jeff Bartlett, Ted Black, JC (Walters) Byrnes, Tom Byrnes, Bob Dannemiller, Liz Fried, Greg Fried, Jim Gill, Joan Gill, Jon Hansen, David Kinsman, Glenn Kinsman, Sharon Kinsman, Karen Laake, Eric Lanman, Dan Morrisey, Doris Murray, Ken Nagle, Monique O'Grady, Bridget O'Malley, Cathy O'Malley, Estelle Roth, George Rushton, Betty Siegel, Bill Taylor, Tim Taylor, Wade Turner, James M. (Jay) Vennett, Deborah Wallower, Wyatt Weber, Jay Jacob Wind
Secretary's report: Betty Siegel distributed Minutes of the July 18, 2000 meeting. A vote to approve the meetings was not taken.
President's report: Jay Jacob Wind announced/reported:
· The AHCA website is now
· Columbia Pike Housing / Community
Services Forum will be held November 9, 7 pm at Career Center to discuss
issues of concentration of affordable housing and social services in and
around the neighborhood.
· Tom Greenfield of Penrose
has asked to meet with AHCA to discuss the Columbia Pike plans.
· Thanks to all who helped
at County Fair
Vice Presidents report: Jay Vennett announced/reported:
· Halloween party Sunday, October
29, 3:00 pm for the neighborhood children will be held at the Arlington
Heights Park. Eckerd's is donating drinks, piñata and balloons for
the children.
· The name selected for the park
in front of Eckerd's is Pike Park. And, thanks to everyone who helped on
the Nicki Gonzalez concert. Jay is exploring the possibility of asking
Arlington County Arts Commission to make the park a permanent "Arts Alfresco"
· The yard sale last weekend went
well with 5-7 families participating.
· Attending a meeting of the Presidents
of Civic Associations and that there was discussion of a possible four-way
alliance between AHCA, Penrose, Columbia Heights, Douglas Park. The advantage
of this is to give the combined neighborhoods a larger voice and collective
6th and Garfield Streets: JC (Walters) Byrnes reported that she has been negotiating and gotten an agreement with the county to replace the landscaping that she had been maintaining when the county leveled it to improve the pathway. The proposed design for the new landscaping can be viewed on the AHCA website. JC will continue to follow up with the county.
Crosswalks: Motion to move discussion of the crosswalks # 4 on
the agenda under new business up on the agenda. Seconded and passed.
Sharon Kinsman moved Ron Eisman's motion that AHCA request
Arlington County paint a crosswalk, for the safety of school children,
from the newly-constructed path through the green space at 6th and Garfield
diagonally to the southwest corner of 6th Street. Dave Kinsman seconded.
Several points were made, pro- and con-, including but not limited to:
Concern that drivers aren't aware there is a pathway coming out at that
point w Safety for the children crossing
the streets w That perhaps the issue isn't
limited to that one crosswalk but that it would be a good idea to ask the
county to review safety at all intersections and mid-block crossing w
Concern over it being on a diagonal, which might make it difficult for
some of the adjacent owners to get in and out of driveways w
Loss of parking w That it would be an unprotected
crosswalk w It is the most direct route w
That it is non-guarded and unpredictable wThat
the request doesn't include corresponding signage w
Traffic doesn't seem to stop for crosswalks w
Sense of lack of facts on impact of crosswalks wBryan
Sieling read comments from the County Traffic Calming Report that related
to crosswalks and informed the group that the county has a pedestrian safety
program that might help with this issue w
Possibly put in a stop-sign directed at pedestrians emerging from the path
Hansen wanted to make it clear that the 4 points listed in the agenda
were not intended to be motions
w etc. Call
for the question. Seconded. Passed with one nay.
Vote: 2 in favor, all the rest against. Motion failed.
There will
be no request from AHCA to the county for a crosswalk at 6th & Garfield
Pedestrian Safety committee: Jay Wind asked Bryan Sieling whether Traffic Committee would take responsibility for pedestrian safety. Bryan recommended no, because Arlington County has wholly separate programs for traffic calming and pedestrian safety. Jay therefore appointed an AHCA Pedestrian Safety Committee, to meet with County staff and present recommendations to next AHCA meeting. Sharon Kinsman volunteered to chair the committee with Jon Hanson, Liz Freed, Wade Turner as members.
Neighborhood Conservation: Jim Gill reported that over
the last three years, AHCA has improved infrastructure by using the Arlington
County Neighborhood Conservation Advisory Committee (NCAC) process. Two
street light projects and neighborhood signs have been competed.. Two additional
lighting projects have been funded and will be installed within the next
six months.
The NCAC process is based on neighborhood participation..
participate, neighborhoods must have a County Board-approved Neighborhood
Conservation Plan.. The Arlington Heights Plan was approved in 1980 and
is currently being updated. Under the rules of the NCAC, any neighbor,
or group of neighbors, can request their civic association initiate steps
for proceeding with a particular project covered by its Plan. Projects
are initiated by acquiring signatures from a percentage of the property
owners or residents living on the affected streets. For example, curb,
gutter and sidewalk projects require signatures from property owners of
60% of the linear footage on the street. Street light projects require
signatures of over 50% of the residents living on the street. Once these
signatures have been obtained, the project is taken to the civic association
for approval and prioritization. The civic association's priority listing
is then given to the NCAC, which ranks our neighborhoods' projects against
those of all the other neighborhoods in the County for funding. The NCAC
uses a point system to do this. Twice a year, the NCAC recommends projects
to the County Board for funding. After the County Board funds a project,
County staff installs it. It can take as long as 18 months from NCAC approval
of a project to completion of the work. Funding for NCAC projects is provided
through the sale of bonds approved by the Arlington County voters.
Currently, Arlington Heights has six qualified
projects that have not yet been funded. Additionally, we are actively
pursuing signatures on two other projects at this time. If improvements
to your street are not in the queue, and you believe they should be, please
contact our NCAC representative, Jim Gill.
Jim Gill moved "Arlington Heights Civic Association approves of the following NCAC projects and prioritizes them in the following order:
Second Vice-President Report: No report
Treasurer Report: Bryan Sieling reported that membership grew to 134 residential and 6 businesses for 2000, and that there are already six residential memberships and one business member for 2001. The treasury has a balance of $1027.98. $67.84 was brought in through T-shirt sales. Jay Wind made a motion to keep membership dues for 2001 at the same level as they are currently for 2000, $10 per household and $20 per business. Seconded. No discussion. Motion passed unanimously.
Traffic Committee Report: Bryan Sieling reported that there has
been some correspondence with Arlington County regarding traffic calming
measures. County staffer Richard Best sad that AHCA won't see any assistance
for traffic calming in the near future because the neighborhood doesn't
rank high in severity of need. This is contrary to what AHCA representatives
have been told in the past. The County did offer to put in a four-way stop
at 7th and Highland. This appears to be a poorly thought out token gesture
on the part of the County, and the Traffic Committee does not support taking
this step. The committee has sent a letter to Elizabeth Diggs to
address concerns over the lack of traffic calming measures. Bryan moved
to reject the County's offer to put in four-way stop signs at 7th and Highland.
Discussion; Bryan strongly recommends other means to slow traffic.
All his research shows that four-way stops don't help and can create serious
environmental noise pollution. The committee recommends "slow points",
speeding fines, etc. Raised crosswalks were discussed. The Traffic Committee
will revisit all of these issues with the county. Motion passed unanimously.
Wind asked that the Traffic Committee pursue traffic calming more aggressively
with the County. The consensus in the meting was that AHCA should start
requesting specific traffic calming measures, since Arlington County has
not offered us any acceptable measures.
Eric Lanman announced VDOT's Location and
Design public meeting for Glebe Road bridge over Route 50 at Thomas Jefferson
Community Center, 5-8 pm, Thursday, October 19, an apropos time to talk
with VDOT officials about the need for lighting and a median strip on Route
A stoplight is scheduled for installation in December
at 2nd and Glebe Road, with overhead wires, to be replaced eventually with
Carlyle arms
Social Action Committee Report: Jay Wind reported that Lydia B. Nuñez is working with several needy families
Civic Federation Delegation Report: Jay Wind reported that he spoke at Civic Federation training session about e-mail, newsletters, web sites, etc. Jay would like more AHCA residents to participate.
Social Chair Report: Monique O'Grady reported we needed to sell the rest of the t-shirt and sweatshirts to reimburse Joan's loan. She also mentioned the Family Movie night at Patrick Henry on October 28, 7:30 pm. There is a possibility of changing the date. Keep an eye on the AHCA website for updates.
Newsletter Editor report: Jay Wind has edited the last two newsletters, Patti Rosensteel will edit the upcoming December newsletter. The newsletter needs a new advertising person(s). No one at the meeting volunteered for this position. Deadline for next issue is November 15
Thomas Jefferson Middle School Report: There will be a yard sale on November 4 in front of the school and a book sale December 11-15.
Patrick Henry Elementary School Report: Cathy O'Malley reported that there are several special events coming -- watch for e-mail.
Neighborhood Sign Maintenance Report: Joan Gill gave a big thanks to Jim Gill and Bob Dannemiller who volunteered their time to garden and decorate. A motion was made to reimburse Joan for $200 in expenses incurred on the maintenance of the signs. Seconded. No discussion.Motion passed unanimously. Next years budget should include around $400 for this project.
Walter Reed Recreation Center Report: Bob Dannemiller reported that the Park Bond Issue contains $5.6 million for Walter Reed Center, which will serve AHCA, Columbia Heights, Douglas Park, and Nauck The plan is to completely tear down the existing facility and start from scratch. Construction could start this spring.
1. Jay Wind appointed an AHCA By-Laws Committee (chair
Gill, member Dan Morrisey)
2. Jay Wind appointed an AHCA Nominating Committee
for January
elections (chair Bridget O'Malley). Bryan asked for someone else
to serve as treasurer in 2001. Bob Dannemiller volunteered.
Wind asked for someone else to serve as president in 2001
3. Karen Laake and Ken Nagle introduced the idea of converting
the vacant lot at Route 50 and Garfield Street
into a park with
sitting areas, a fence, etc. Jay Wind made it clear that he can't vote
on this issue because it would be a conflict of interest since he is also
on the board of the Synagogue. The motion was made to have AHCA
submit a letter of intent to apply for a Small Parks Grant to convert the
vacant lot at 3000 Arlington Boulevard into a park. Seconded. Discussion.
Motion passed, with Jay abstaining, all others voting aye.
Next meeting: Tuesday, January 23, 2001. Meeting adjourned at 9:59 pm.