Over the Fence
News for Neighbors
December 2001


  • December 1-21 - Holiday Decoration Contest

  • We award prizes to 1st, 2nd, & 3rd most-beautifully-decorated homes and the most-beautifully-decorated block.
    Any home in our neighborhood is eligible. Judge Pattie DeLoatche announces awards on Sunday night, December 23.
  • Saturday, December 15, 4:30 pm - Holiday Caroling Party

  • Meet at TJ east parking lot (near Irving Street)
    Sing songs of holiday cheer and walk to each of the award-winning houses to present certificates.
  • Arlington Dance Theater presents Tchaikovsky's The Nutcracker

  • at Thomas Jefferson Community Theater. Tickets: $15.00 for adults, $12.50 for students and seniors.
    Friday, December 7, 7:30 pm; Saturday, December 8, 5:00 pm; Sunday, December 9, 2:00 pm.
    Full production including all the dances, a glowing tree, and falling snow. Call 703-524-4750.
  • We thank Joan Gill for decorating our four Arlington Heights neighborhood signs for the holidays
  • Living Nativity - angels, shepherds, live sheep, Arlington United Methodist Church, 716 S. Glebe, Saturday, December 22, 5 pm
  • Arlington United Methodist Church distributes Christmas toys to needy families on Saturday, December 15.

  • To brighten a child's life, drop off unwrapped toys to the church office. Call Marilyn Traynham (703-979-7527)
    Also, working with Capital Area Food Bank, the church began a new food ministry for the poor in our neighborhood. They currently feed 80 families each month.

    Come to Annual Meeting, January 22
    by Jay Jacob Wind, AHCA President (703-920-5193)

    Please join AHCA and come vote at our Annual Meeting on Tuesday, January 22, 7:00 pm, at Patrick Henry Elementary School, starting with a pot-luck dinner.

    At our meeting in October, we set 2002 dues at $12.00 for families, $25.00 for businesses. Please join AHCA using the form on the back so you can vote at our January meeting.

    In October, we approved the proposed Neighborhood Conservation priorities for 2nd Street including 1st Road and Old Glebe Road, for 6th Street, and for Garfield Street; approved our revised NC plan; and named Dave Reidy and Betty Siegel as our new NC reps.

    At the meeting, we voted unanimously to oppose median strips on Route 50 between Fillmore and Jackson and to oppose protected left turns at Irving, as presented by Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) but to request southbound "No Left Turn" signs between Fillmore and Irving. In letters to VDOT and Arlington County Board, I presented both the results of the meeting AND the spectrum of viewpoints via e-mail, including messages from neighbors who supported medians or protected left turns.

    We seek neighbors as AHCA officers in 2002. Please consider running for president, vice-president, secretary, or treasurer. Contact Nominating Committee members Dave Reidy (703-920-2940, dreidy@ompdirect.com) or Barbara Mascareñas (703-920-3768, barbzm@yahoo.com).

    We thanked Karen Laake and Ken Nagle for preparing a small parks grant for Garfield at Route 50.

    Columbia Pike News

    Columbia Pike Revitalization Organization (CPRO) hosts a Design Forum on the Columbia Pike Initiative (Master Plan) at Arlington Career Center, 816 South Walter Reed Drive, Monday, December 10, 7:00 pm. At the forum, CPRO presents design aspects of the plan and panel of experts including Maureen McAveey of Urban Land Institute. Call 703-892-2776.

    CPRO invites you to an Open House and Pot Luck at its new office, 2611 Columbia Pike, Tuesday, January 1, 1:00-6:00 pm. Bring your family, friends, and a dish to share. CPRO provides the beverages. Come greet your neighbors and see what's planned for the New Year on your Columbia Pike. First presentation of the Columbia Pike Master Plan to the County Board is in January.

    Arlington-Fairfax Jewish Congregation

    Free lectures open to the public, Sundays, 10:30 am:
    December 9, Jacques Brawer on "Yiddish Cinema and Theater - A History and Personal Encounters."

    December 16, Professor Max Ticktin on "Perspectives in Yiddish Literature."

    Starting January 13, Rabbi Emeritus Marvin Bash delivers five weekly lectures on The Bible, starting with "Who Wrote The Bible?" followed talks on the Book of Job.

    Patrick Henry Elementary School holiday concert Monday, December 17, 7:00 pm.

    Set Your Radio Dial to 1390 AM

    Our neighborhood now has its own radio station. On October 15, WZHF 1390 AM moved into 3219 Columbia Pike, Suite 400 (between Thai Square and Westmont Shopping Center) WZHF is Northern VA's only Spanish-language radio station. Broadcasting at 5000 watts, WZHF reaches Frederick to Fredericksburg, from Front Royal to Eastern Shore.

    Some Construction Ends, Some Begins

    2001 was a big year for digging in Arlington Heights.
    The year began with unexpected excavations of Columbia Pike and Glebe Road sidewalks, now complete.
    6th Street storm sewer construction ended in July, and Lake Irving and Lake Jackson are no more.
    The stoplight at 2nd & Glebe is complete, and the County hired a crossing guard at 2nd & Old Glebe.
    3rd & Ivy and Fenwick, Garfield, & a block of 5th got Carlyle lights under Neighborhood Conservation.
    Highland Street got sidewalks under Safe Routes to Schools and Carlyle lights under Neighborhood Conservation.
    5th & Jackson and 7th & Ivy got sidewalks missing links.
    Irving Street excavation began for Carlyle lights.

    Open To Everyone
    Monday-Saturday 9 am-9 pm
    Sunday 10 am-8 pm

    Northern Virginia's Only Co-op Grocery
    1041 South Edgewood Street, Arlington, VA 22204

    Phone 703-521-2667 Fax 703-553-0739

    2920 Columbia Pike • Arlington, VA 22204
    Nora Gabaldon, President 703-920-2448
    Mon-Fri 8 am-6:30 pm Sat 8:00 am-6:00 pm
    Sports House Gets Live Music Permit

    On November 17, the County Board approved Angel Montaño's request to expand Sports House Grill Restaurant (3249 Columbia Pike, Westmont Shopping Center) to the adjacent storefront (3253), with a one-year live music permit.

    Brenner's Bakery and other Westmont stores collected hundreds of signatures on petitions opposing Sports House's expansion. AHCA took no position, as the issue came up between meetings, but many neighbors wrote individually to the County Board.

    Thomas Jefferson School Events

    On Monday-Friday, December 10-14, school hours, come to the Book Fair at TJMS Library to buy gift books.

    On Thursday, December 13, 7:00 pm, come to the Winter Concert at TJMS Auditorium to enjoy students' performances. Book Fair is open during the Winter Concert.

    The gym at Thomas Jefferson Community Center is open 7:00 am to 9:50 pm, Monday-Friday, year round. From January to March, the gym is also open 1:00-5:00 pm on Saturdays and Sunday. On Fridays in December, January, and February, the gym closes at 2:30 pm for high school indoor track meets 3:00-9:00 pm. Spectators are welcome.

    On Sundays, January 13, January 27, and February 10, 8:00 am - noon, DC Road Runners Club and Potomac Valley Track Club conduct all-comers track meets ($5.00). See www.pvtc.org/entrytj.html or call 703-218-2726.

    January Newsletter and E-mail

    Send articles and ads by December 15 for January's Over The Fence to jmg_slr@hotmail.com. To join our e-mail list, write to ahca-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

    Contributors to this issue: Natasha Garraway, Timothy Lynch, Shannon Rudisill, Jay Jacob Wind.

    2919 Columbia Pike, Arlington VA 22204

    703-486-2362 A Unique Second-Hand Store


    Open 10:00 am - 7:00 pm Monday-Saturday 

    12 noon - 5:00 pm Sunday - 25%-50% off selected items

    • Christmas decoration and gifts
    • Good-quality clothing and accessories 
    • Solid wood furniture 
    • Miscellaneous housewares
    • Major credit cards accepted
    • Delivery available at reasonable cost
    • Next to Arlington Cinema 'n' Drafthouse
    Join AHCA for 2001 - Send to Bob Dannemiller, 215 S. Ivy, Arlington VA 22204

    Name _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 

    Address ______________________________________________ City, State, ZIP _____________________ [__] Arlington VA 22204

    Phone ______________________________________________ E-mail ______________________________________________

    [__] Enclosed is $12.00 for FAMILY membership to "AHCA" [__] Enclosed is $25.00 for BUSINESS membership

    [__] Enclosed is an added donation of $_____ Membership year is January to December
