Please join us at AHCA's annual picnic, Saturday afternoon, May 19, at Patrick Henry Elementary School, after the Henry Challenge. AHCA's annual picnic is a FREE event and includes a moon bounce and face painting. Simplicity Urgent Care once again helps AHCA to sponsor this fun event. Arlington County Police and Fire Departments attend also.
We offer plenty of food for everyone == burgers (including vegetarian) and dogs on the grill. Please bring a side dish to share and a blanket to sit on. (If you aren't able to bring an item to share, please don't let it stop you from attending.) We need some people to assist with the various aspects of putting on this large event. If everyone helps a little, we can have a great event. We need volunteers for these activities: shopping, setting up, grilling, and cleaning up. If you are available and can help in any of these capacities, we would greatly appreciate it! Please feel free to respond to Sara Snow (, Jay Vennett (, or Stacey Whyte ( with your volunteering preference.
So come on out, meet your neighbors and have some food and fun!!!