Over The Fence - April 2002

2024 Meeting Schedule

Normally meetings alternate between
Alice West Fleet Elementary Library
and the
Public Montessori School of Arlington Library.
Meetings start at 7:00 PM.

Please check the newsletter for details.

Over the Fence
News for Neighbors
April 2002

AHCA Meeting, Tuesday, Apr.23, 7:30 pm

On Tuesday, April 23, 7:30 pm, at Patrick Henry Elementary School's library/media center, Arlington Heights Civic Association (AHCA) hosts its quarterly membership meeting. We review the Highland Street traffic calming measures; prioritize our Neighborhood Conservation requests for streetlights, sidewalks, curbs, and gutters; discuss plans and recruit coordinators for theNeighborhood Day float, Columbia Pike Blues Festival table, Arlington County Fair table, and Columbia Pike Arts & Jazz Festival; and decide our spring and summer social activities.

We invite neighbors to arrive at 7:00 pm for a potluck and social half-hour immediately preceding the meeting.

Please join AHCA. Use the form on page 8 so you can vote at the meeting on April 23.

School/Traffic Open House, Apr.23, 5 pm

Patrick Henry Elementary School invites Arlington Heights neighbors to an open house, 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm, Tuesday, April 23. Come visit the school and take a guided tour with Principal Cintia Johnson.

Also 5:00 pm-6:30 pm, the plans for the Highland Street traffic calming initiative are on display. At 6:30 pm, Arlington County staff member Ron Hicks and Neighborhood Traffic Calming Committee members host a sit-down forum to discuss the traffic calming measures

Highland Street Traffic Calming Petition

If you live on the 700-800-900 blocks of South Highland Street, or the 700-800-900 blocks of South Irving Street, or the 3100-3200 blocks of 9th Street South, you may sign the Neighborhood Traffic Calming Petition on-line at www.geocities.com/ahcawebsite/ntc.html. Click YES or NO next to your address, then send the message. Later, we cross-check street addresses against e-mail addresses. The traffic calming proposal needs support from 60% of affected neighbors to be approved. A higher percentage is even better.

Join AHCA's Ever-Growing E-mail List

Write to AHCA-subscribe@yahoogroups.com to join and get messages about street construction, lost cats, couches for sale, upcoming meetings, and other fun stuff.

Neighborhood Conservation Priorities

Every six months, AHCA must vote on our Neighborhood Conservation priorities, or else we lose points in the project ranking process, risking postponement of our much-needed neighborhood improvements. At the April 23 meeting, we vote on the following priorities:

"Motion: Arlington Heights Civic Association approves of the following NCAC projects and prioritizes them in the following order:

"1. Installation of Carlyle type street lights on 2nd Street South between South Glebe Road and South Fillmore Street; on 1st Road South between South Glebe Road and Old Glebe Road; and on Old Glebe Road between 1st Road South and 2nd Street South.

"2. Completion of installation of Carlyle type street lights on 6th Street South between South Glebe Road and South Walter Reed Drive, and installation of Carlyle type street lights on South Garfield Street between 6th Street South and 7th Street South.

"3. Installation of curbs, gutters, and Carlyle type streetlights on South Garfield Street between Arlington Boulevard and 2nd Street South.

"4. Installation of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and Carlyle type streetlights on South Fenwick Street between Arlington Boulevard and 2nd Street South. [Editor's note: this project requires special design to accommodate a mature tree at Fenwick and 2nd.]

"5. Installation of curbs, gutters, and Carlyle type streetlights on South Irving Street between Arlington Boulevard and 2nd Street South.

"6. Installation of Carlyle type street lights on South Ivy Street between South 7th Street and South 9th Street, on South

Highland Street between South 9th Street and Columbia Pike, and on South 9th Street between South Glebe Road and Walter Reed Drive.

"7. Installation of Carlyle type street lights on South Highland Street between South 7th Street and South 9th Street

"8. Installation of Carlyle type streetlights on South 5th Street between South Glebe Road and South Jackson Street."

We submit our top three projects to Arlington's Neighborhood Conservation Advisory Commission; we keep track of all projects in the queue

Columbia Pike Blues Festival, May 5

Columbia Pike Revitalization Organization (CPRO) sponsors the Columbia Pike Blues Festival on Saturday, May 11, 12 noon - 6:00 pm, rain or shine. This year's Festival takes place in a new location, on Walter Reed Drive on the north side of Columbia Pike.

This year's Festival features the soulful vocals of Darrell Nulisch; the blues acoustic guitar of Chris Smither; the good vibes of Dr. S.O. Feelgood; honky tonk blues from Janine Wilson; plus The Impossibles, featuring Gabby Gabaldon; and The Curbfeelers, soul blues from South Arlington.

Food and beverages from Columbia Pike restaurants are on hand, along with crafts, civic information, bike registration, a free moon bounce and instrument "petting farm" for kids, and a display of antique Model A Ford cars.

The Festival needs volunteers. If you can help for a couple of hours on the day of the Festival or earlier, please get in touch with this year's volunteer coordinator, Bryant Monroe (703-271-0944), or contact CPRO (703-892-2776, cpro@uptownarlington.com).

AHCA hosts a table at the Blues Festival about our neighborhood to sell t-shirts and memberships. We need a coordinator for this activity, as well as volunteers to staff the table for an hour or two. If interested, please contact Jay Wind (703-920-5193 jay.wind@att.net).

Teen Summer Expo, May 11

Arlington's Teen Summer Expo, sponsored by Arlington Employment Center, is May 11, 2002, 11 am - 1 pm at Washington & Lee High School.

Free of charge for all participants, the Expo is an easy way for local businesses, non-profits and citizens to cut time and costs involved in advertising and recruiting for summer needs while helping area teens tackle the cumbersome, and sometimes scary, job hunt. Citizens in need of babysitters, mother's helpers, lawn care or tutors this summer can also advertise at the Expo. No pre-registration is necessary for teens. A representative from the Arlington Volunteer Office is on hand to answer questions about volunteering opportunities around the county.

Last year's Expo was a great success, with more than 700 students in attendance and 250 local employers posting over 1000 jobs. To register a summer employment opportunity, call 703-228-1404 or email teenexpo@co.arlington.va.us. Free exhibit space is offered, although attendance is not necessary to post a position.

Arlington Neighborhood Day is May 11

Arlington County's 6th annual Neighborhood Day is Saturday, May 11. Many events take place around the County on that day, including the Arlington Community Hero Awards, the Animal Welfare League of Arlington Walk for Animals, the Fort Myer Military Community Twilight Tattoo Ceremony, the Teen Summer Expo and a County-wide parade on Wilson Boulevard culminating in a multicultural festival at Courthouse Plaza.

We need a coordinator for the AHCA float. If you are interested, please contact Jay Wind (703-920-5193 jay.wind@att.net).

Do You have Stuff to Sell?

On Sunday, May 19, 10 am - 2 pm, AHCA hosts a Neighborhood Yard Sale at 4th of July Park, at the corner of South Garfield Street and Arlington Boulevard.

Previous neighborhood yard sales have been very successful. They create a way for neighbors to sell (and buy) some great stuff and meet new neighbors and friends. Also, yard sales with more than one seller attract a lot more customers. This year, we also have the pleasure of showing off our neighborhood's newest park for the event.
People who live in the AHCA area can sell household items, clothing, crafts, baked goods, toys, books and more. Please bring your own ground coverings, tables, and chairs.
Amy Vennett (703-920-1832, jajvennett@earthlink.net) and Karen Laake (202-441-0352, klaake@qualcomm.com) coordinate this event. If you would like to sign up to be a seller or volunteer, please contact Amy or Karen.

Long Neighborhood Nightmare Ends

The long-standing frustration of having no legal left turns from Glebe Road onto Columbia Pike is finally over. Interim left turn lanes and left turn signals have been installed in three directions at the intersection and are now in operation. Traffic traveling south on Glebe can now legally turn left onto eastbound Columbia Pike. In addition to removing a major inconvenience, this change should reduce the number of drivers who choose to cut through our neighborhood to access the Pike. Drivers may also now turn left from dedicated turn lanes on east- and westbound Columbia Pike.

To install permanent left turn lanes in all directions, the County needs to obtain easements for five general locations surrounding the intersection. So far, two have been completed (902 and 904 South Glebe). The easement agreements for the Exxon property have been signed by the Exxon field staff and reportedly await the signature of the corporate office staff. Negotiations with the parties involved with the Rosenthal dealership property continue to make progress. The county still awaits a response from the Westmont Shopping Center.

Traffic Calming Measures Proposed
by Jay Jacob Wind <jay.wind@att.net>

At an open house meeting on April 4, County staff member Ron Hicks and County Neighborhood Traffic Calming Committee (NTCC) member Juan Tovar presented the proposed traffic calming measures for Highland Street.

Currently, more than 15% of cars on Highland Street exceed the 25-mph speed limit by more than 5 mph. To slow traffic on South Highland Street between 7th Street and Columbia Pike, to enhance safety, and to add visual appeal, these measures are proposed:

1. Textured crosswalks at all four crossings of 7th St.

2. Four-foot nubs (not standard eight-foot) at the SW and SE corners of 7th St. (Arlington Public Schools Transportation approved using reduced nubs)

3. Raised crosswalk from 716 South Highland to the west door of Patrick Henry Elementary School

4. Speed hump at approximately 816 South Highland

5. Raised crosswalk from NW to NE corners of 9th

6. Textured crosswalks at other three 9th St. crossings

7. Four-foot nubs at NW and NE corners of 9th

8. Speed hump at approximately 906 South Highland

9. Textured crosswalk from NW to NE corners of Columbia Pike and South Highland

At meetings in March, the Neighborhood Traffic Calming Working Group consisting of three members of the NTCC (Bromberg, Hilz, Tovar), four members of Arlington Heights Traffic Committee (Laake, Lieber, Morrisey, Siegel), AHCA president (Wind), and residents of the affected area (Cook, Cook, and others), approved this set of proposals and the affected area. The affected area is the 700-800-900 blocks of South Highland, 700-800-900 blocks of South Irving, and 3100-3200 blocks of 9th Street South.

For the proposed traffic calming measures to go back to NTCC for approval in May, by April 30, more than 60% of the households in the affected area must approve:

• Send an e-mail to HighlandStreet@yahoogroups.com with your address as the subject line and your name and phone • A key click on the "YES" box next to your address on the page www.geocities.com/ahcawebsite/ntc.html, which automatically writes an e-mail (add your name and phone)

• Your signature on a petition distributed door-to-door

• Your signature on a petition at the open house on Tuesday, April 23, 5:00-8:00 pm (overlapping the first half-hour of AHCA's April 23 meeting)

The proposed traffic calming measures get extra points if more than 60% of residents approve; if the school and PTA approve; and if the civic association approves. Thus, the proposed traffic calming measures are the first order of business at AHCA's April 23 membership meeting -- pot luck dinner at 7:00 pm, meeting at 7:30 pm.

See the map of the proposed traffic calming measures. [JPG]  [PDF]

Leading With Love
by Jay Jacob Wind, AHCA President

Sometimes, people ask me how to deal with rowdy or difficult neighbors. You may disbelieve my suggestion, but it works for me.

The answer is cookies. Yes, cookies. Chocolate chip cookies work best, although I personally like ginger snaps. And a pitcher of lemonade, like in the movie Traffic.

Go over with cookies and lemonade and sit with the new neighbors for as much time as they want. It may take several visits, and you may need to move up to sandwiches.

Eventually, the neighbors know they have a friend, and they comply to requests for quiet enjoyment. You learn what troubles them, and they learn not to trouble you.

In some cultures, loud music and voices are normal. Other cultures prefer quite. Our challenge is to work out these differences.

I am always amazed how well people respond to friendliness. I stop and talk with the teenagers on South Ivy Street, who find my running shorts amusing, but they can't keep up when they try to run with me. (That helps.) At first, they are uncomfortable talking with an adult, but they get over it quickly when I ask them about school and sports.

I stop and talk once a week with my formerly rowdy neighbors near Glebe Road. They are pleasant now, although their visitors are still noisy. So now I stop and talk with the visitors whenever I can. Their English is better than my Spanish, and we laughed when they taught me the Spanish word for noise ("ruida").

I call it "Leading With Love."

2002 Community Calendar

Tuesday, April 23

    • 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm - Open House and Guided Tours at Patrick Henry Elementary School
    5:00 pm - 8:00 pm - Open House at Patrick Henry for Highland Street Traffic Calming Measures
    7:00 pm - Potluck Dinner
    7:30 pm - AHCA Membership Meeting

Saturday, May 5
    12:00 noon - 6:00 pm - Columbia Pike Blues Festival

Saturday, May 11 - All day - Arlington Neighborhood Day
    11:00 am - Teen Summer EXPO
    2:00 pm - Arlington County Parade

Sunday, May 19 - 10:00 am - Neighborhood Yard Sale

Sunday, June 2, 10:00 am - Neighborhood Run (Mitzvah 5K)

Saturday, June 22, 9:00 am - Garden Tour

Tuesday, July 16, 7:30 pm - AHCA Membership Meeting Saturday, July 20 (tentative), 4:00 pm - Columbia Pike Arts & Jazz Festival at Pike Park (in front of Eckerd Drug)
    5:00 pm - 9:30 pm - Live Music
    8:00 pm - Arts & Crafts Auction
Thursday-Sunday, August 15-18 - Arlington County Fair/TJ

Tuesday, October 15, 7:00 - Potluck Dinner

7:30 pm - AHCA Membership Meeting

Sunday, October 27, 2:00 pm - Children's Hallowe'en Party

Saturday, December 13, 4:30 pm - Holiday Caroling and Decorating Contest

Tuesday, January 21, 2001, 7:00 - Potluck Dinner

7:30 pm - AHCA Annual Meeting

Columbia Pike Initiative Plan Approved

On Saturday, January 26, Arlington County Board approved a request to advertise the Columbia Pike Initiative Plan. The Board next takes up the first part of the Plan, including the economic incentives, housing initiative, transportation and the general concept. The Board considers the second part of the plan, dealing with the General Land Use Plan (GLUP), zoning changes and the Urban Design Handbook, later in the first quarter or early second quarter.

Columbia Pike Revitalization is really starting to move!

Local Playgroup Changes Location

The playgroup for children under 5 that formerly met meet at the Thomas Jefferson Community Center has moved. The group now meets at the Lyon Park Community Center, Monday mornings 10:00 am - 11:00 am. The cost is $5 per parent per month. Parents are encouraged to bring a few toys for the children. If you have questions, please call Megan Kelly (703-685-7081).

Verizon Fills Arlington Heights Park Hole

The large hole in Arlington Heights Park has finally been filled. While contractors were installing new street lights in mid-December, they accidentally severed a major phone line. Although cordoned off, the hole remained open until mid-February, when Verizon repaired the line and fill in the gap.

Fiber Optic Digs on 7th and 9th Street

On April 8, First South Utility Construction began installing underground conduit and fiber-optic cable on 7th Street from Walter Reed to Glebe Road, and Looking Glass Networks began similar work on 9th Street from South Highland to South Walter Reed Drive. Unlike previous projects, both projects' subcontractors hand-dug test holes to identify buried utilities near homes before they began directional boring. Construction is expected to take about 60 days. For information about 7th Street, contact Jarrod Hayes (336-255-3912, jarrod.hayes@fsuc.com). For information about 9th Street, call Greg Hinton (703-673-7506, greg.hinton@lglass.net).

Sign up for AFJC's 5K Run/Walk June 2

On Sunday, June 2, at 10 am, Arlington Heights hosts Arlington-Fairfax Jewish Congregation's Mitzvah 5K Run / Walk on the Route 50 bike trail, 2nd Street, and Hudson Street.

The race offers prizes for every finisher. Every entrant also gets a t-shirt designed by a world-famous local artist and sumptuous post-race picnic. Last year, Arlington Heights neighbors ran, walked, watched from their lawns, played music, and sprayed runners with garden hoses. Let's do it again!

Entry fee is $15 before Friday, May 24, $20 after May 24. To register, send your check with the form below, or register on-line at www.arfax.org/entry.html.

[On-line entry Form]

Mitzvah Race, 2920 Arlington Blvd, Arlington VA 22204

Make checks to MEN'S CLUB

Name ___________________________________________

Phone __________________________ Age _____ [M] [F]

Address _________________________________________

City,State, ZIP____________________________________

E-mail __________________________________________

Team ___________________________________________

T-shirt size: [_] Small [_] Medium [_] Large [_] XL

Enclosed is: [_] $15 before May 24 [_] $20 after May 24

I waive any and all claims I may have against all sponsors and officials of this event for any damages or injuries I may suffer en route to, during, or as a result of my participation in this event. I affirm that my physical condition and fitness are adequate for me to participate safely in this event. I agree to release my name and photo for publicity purposes.

___________________________________ _________

Signature (Parent or Guardian if under 18) Date

AHCA Officers for 2002
President Jay Jacob Wind (703-920-0156)
1st Vice President Patricia Bullington-McGuire (703-979-4380)
2nd Vice President Pat Rosensteel (703-979-4555)
Treasurer Bob Dannemiller (703-685-3795)
Secretary Betty Siegel (703-892-1959)
Membership Patricia Bullington-McGuire, Kimberly Sumner
Civic Federation Delegates: Carole Lieber (703-892-0362), Rich Bolczak, Bob Dannemiller, Jay Wind, Alternates: Kevin Whyte, Stacy Whyte, Jim Gill (1 vacancy)
Neighborhood Conservation Betty Siegel (703-892-1959), David Reidy (703-920-2940) and Alison Byron
Newsletter Patricia Bullington-McGuire (703-521-4957)
Newsletter Distribution Bahar Hess (703-521-8528)
Social Barbara Mascareñas (703-920-3768)
Garden Tour Joan Gill (703-685-1760)
Social Action Lydia Nuñez (703-979-7499)
Traffic Karen Laake (202-441-0352), Carole Lieber, Dan Morrisey, Betty Siegel

Mancini de Paris on the Move

Mancini de Paris is moving soon, but don't worry - you can still indulge in the spa's full complement of hair, body, and nail treatments right here in Arlington Heights. Mancini de Paris hopes to move from its current location at 930 South Walter Reed Drive to 3045 Columbia Pike (the old Pier One) in mid-summer, to open Arlington's first full-service European-style day spa. Said owner Zak Mancini, "I look forward to serving my Arlington Heights neighbors with luxury beauty treatments and the pampering they deserve." For more information, contact Zak ( 703-920-4699) or visit www.ManciniDeParis.com.

Garden Tour, Saturday, June 22
by Joan Gill <jgill@erols.com>

Arlington Heights's 2002 Garden Tour is Saturday, June 22, 9 am - 12 noon. We serve light breakfast and refreshments from 8 to 9 at my home, 121 South Hudson Street. This tour is a fun way to meet your neighbors, share gardening ideas and tips, and see some of the most delightful and beautiful spots in the area. If you want your garden on the tour, contact Joan Gill (703-685-1760, jgill@erols.com). All you need to do is be available to show us your yard. Whether we've visited your garden in past years or not, we encourage as many neighbors as possible to participate.

July Issue of Over The Fence

Send articles by June 1 to Patricia Bullington-McGuire (patricia@obscure.org) and ads to jay.wind@att.net.

County Board Approves New Park Grant

Arlington's County Board approved the creation of a new park at 3000 Arlington Boulevard and granted $5,390 for improvements to the new park. At our January meeting, AHCA voted to propose the name "4th of July Park," and the County Park Commission is considering our proposal.

The grant cover installation of split rail fencing, four benches, one trash receptacle and one identifying sign, all scheduled to be installed in mid-summer.

The grant does not cover additional landscaping, however. To remedy this unfunded need, Karen Laake (202-441-0352, klaake@qualcomm.com) is organizing a plant donation drive. Drought-resistant plants are particularly needed, as the site does not have a water supply. Suggested plants include Black Eyed Susan, Columbine, Cosmos, Ornamental Grass, and Tiger Lilies. Expensive ornamentals and high-maintenance plants are not recommended. Please contact Karen if you wish to contribute to the plant drive.

A huge 'thank you' goes out to everyone who worked so hard to get this park established. Karen Laake deserves special kudos for spearheading the park project.

Welcome to Our Newest Neighbors

Grady Foster, Teresa Wagamon, and Blake Lyton Foster-Wagamon are pleased to announce the birth of Blythe Chance Foster-Wagamon, Saturday, March 30, at 5:48 pm.

Blythe weighed in at 7 pounds, 12 ounces and she stretches to 19 inches. The little blue-eyed darling has dark birth hair with auburn highlights (which is sure to turn blonde). Mom and baby are back home from Inova Alexandria Hospital and both are doing well.

Also, hearty congratulations go to Thomas Jefferson Community Center manager Helen Murray on the birth of her new baby, Julian Michael Murray. Julian was born Sunday, March 17, checking in at 7 pounds, 13 ounces, 20 inches. Mother and baby are doing fine. Said Helen, "Even though I'm out for a few weeks, keep on keeping fit!"

TJ Construction Proceeds

At Thomas Jefferson Community Center, construction began on the new gymnasium floor. If work proceeds according to plan, the new gym floor will be available for the County Fair in August, and all equipment will be back in place for the first day of school in September. For more information about the construction, call Ron Summers (703-228-5888). For information about programs at TJ, call 703-228-5920.

RENT*A*KID -- Hire our neighborhood's young entrepreneurs!

Codes: A=Lawns and Leaves B=Baby Sitting C=Pet/plant Sitting D=Odd Jobs/Errands E=House Sitting F=Snow Shoveling

• Danielle Cook (703-279-3227) C • Caitlin Dykema (703-527-0624): BC • Juan Martinez (703-920-9165) A

• Jeff Parry (703-920-7521) C • David Rivera (703-521-8318) ACDEF • Cami Roa (703-486-0992) BC (cats only)

• Julianna Wind (703-920-5193) BCE • Paul Wind (703-920-5193) ABCDEF • Rosalie Wind (703-920-5193) CE