News for Neighbors
President's Message
Greetings neighbors! It is hard to believe just a year ago we were recovering from the effects of Hurricane Isabel, with our neighborhood littered with downed trees and no electricity for over a week for many homes. The hurricane was a time that also brought out the best in our neighbors, with folks sharing generators, delivering ice, and helping with chopping a neighbor's downed trees. A year later, there is little physical evidence that Isabel visited us and our neighborhood looks better than ever, and many new friendships were forged out of what was terrible event for our neighborhood. This past year has seen the implementation of some long awaited changes in the neighborhood. Our Highland Street traffic calming project is nearing completion, we have left turns at Columbia Pike and Glebe, and the county has started construction on the renovation of the Fenwick Center. In our association, we have had many neighbors who have pitched in to work on various committees, delivering newsletters, organizing garden tours, decorating our neighborhood signs, and assisting with emergency response efforts. We have accomplished much and can do more with more neighbors participating. I would like to invite you to attend our next civic association meeting to hear about issues affecting you and volunteer opportunities you may be interested in.
At our October meeting, we will cover a variety of topics of timely interest to our neighborhood. First, you may not know that Arlington County has new voting machines. County staff will attend our meeting to demonstrate how to use the machines to help make your trip to the polls easier. We will also have a discussion on the park bonds and have invited a representative to speak on the school bonds. A topic of great interest we will be discussing is a proposal before the county to change zoning regulations to change the allowable maximum lot coverage on our property. This is a very critical issue to our neighborhood in particular as we have some of the smaller lot sizes in the county. If the recommendations pass as proposed, we will have very little opportunity to build on our lots unless we want to add another floor to our property. This issue will be voted on at the NCAC meeting on November 11, so please come to the meeting so you have an opportunity to learn more about the proposal and have your voice heard. Finally, we have had some recent incidents in our neighborhood involving assaults and theft of money from persons. I have invited our third district police representatives to attend our meeting to speak to us on recent incidents and ways we can better protect ourselves. Looking forward to seeing you at Patrick Henry Elementary School on Tuesday, October 26 at 7 pm!
Arlington Heights Civic Association Meeting
Tuesday, October 26, 2003 at 7 pm Patrick Henry Elementary School
- Introductions
- Guest Speakers
- County Staff, new voting machines
- NCAC representatives and County, proposed ZORC amendment
- Arlington County Police Department – Crime update
- Bonds Discussion
- Review Minutes
- Treasurer's Report
- Holiday Projects
- Neighborhood Conservation
- Traffic Calming
- Civic Federation Report
- Old Business
- New Business
- Nominating committee
- Adjournment
Below is a listing of some of the fall events sponsored by the Arlington office of Virginia Cooperative Extension.
Fall Financial Seminar Series
Learn about simplifying your financial life, getting the biggest tax refund you can, and more through this free seminar series at the Central Library. All seminars are taught by professionals in the respective fields. All presenters pledge not to sell their own services during their seminars. The seminars will be held from 7:00- 9:00 p.m. in the auditorium at the Arlington Central Library, 1015 N Quincy Street. Call 703-228-6417 for more information or to register.
Oct. 27 | Understanding Bonds |
Nov. 3 | Choosing a Financial Advisor |
Nov. 17 | Preparing for Tax Success |
Dec. 1 | 5 Secrets to Financial Freedom |
Sponsored by Virginia Cooperative Extension and the Arlington County Department of Libraries
For your information:
Save the Date: Arlington Prepares Fair, Saturday, 10/30
Arlington and Citizen Corps Council Team Up to Offer Information and Emergency Preparedness Exercise. Are You Prepared?
Are you and your family or co-workers prepared for an emergency? Do you have enough food, water and supplies for three days?
To be better prepared, Arlingtonians are invited to attend the free Arlington Prepares Fair Saturday, October 30, Arlington Career Center, 816 S Walter Reed Drive
Information Fair: 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon
Arlington's Office of Emergency Management, Arlington Citizen Corps Council and other partner organizations will offer free information to help you prepare for and recover after an emergency.
Arlington County also will provide a display of a variety of emergency equipment, including the new Mobile Command vehicle and the County's specialized HazMat equipment.
Emergency Preparedness "Tabletop" Exercise: 1:15 to 2:45 p.m.
Participants will work through a simulated emergency scenario to exercise the community's preparedness and to discuss appropriate responses for the emergency scenario. The exercise also will explore communication and coordination among county agencies, volunteer organizations and the public during an emergency. While this is principally an exercise to benefit Arlington County and its partner organizations, the public is welcome to observe and participate.
All Are Welcome
Attendance is free and registration is NOT needed. The Arlington Prepares Fair is sponsored by Arlington County Office of Emergency Management and the Citizen Corps Council.
Arlington Alert
Be sure to sign up for Arlington Alert, a free service to send emergency text messages to your email or mobile devices. Visit
Join AHCA's Ever-Growing E-mail List
Write to to get e-mail about construction, lost cats, meetings, and other fun stuff!
Join AHCA for 2004
Officers for 2004
- President: Carole Lieber (703) 892-0362
- 1st Vice-President: Adam Croswell (703-553-0523)
- 2nd Vice-President: Paul Hashemi , (703-920-3940)
- Secretary: Betty Siegel (703-892-1959)
- Treasurer: Bob Dannemiller (703-685-3795)
- Neighborhood Conservation Representatives:
- Betty Siegel (703-892-1959)
- David Reidy (703-920-2940)
- Newsletter Editor: Megan Booth (703-553-9712)
- Newsletter Distribution: VACANT
- Webmaster: Richard Bullington-McGuire
- Email list moderator: Jay Jacob Wind (703-218-2726)