President’s Message
Our next meeting will be Tuesday April 19 at 7PM at Patrick Henry Elementary school. Staff from the Arlington Public Health office will be there to present information and take questions about the programs that will soon be moving into the building across from the Columbia Pike library. I also hope to have more data from the county on the impact of the Zoning Ordinance Review Committee (ZORC) proposed lot coverage changes in time for the meeting. The Civic Federation is working with county staff to attempt to provide detailed estimates of how all properties in the county will be affected by the proposed changes. At our last meeting we passed a resolution opposing any lowering of allowable lot coverage. Hopefully this new data will provide more information for individual homeowners on the impact of the proposed changes to their properties.
I am intentionally leaving the agenda for this meeting brief for two reasons. First, I want to encourage anyone with concerns about not being able to attend the meetings because of length to come to this meeting. Second I want to allow extra time for members to put their concerns forward. I want to be able to keep future meetings fairly short as well. Having input on what neighborhood issues members are concerned with, I'll be able to set up focused meetings with speakers that address those concerns. So if there's something that you think needs to be addressed in our neighborhood, please come to this meeting.
The Columbia Pike Blues Festival is coming up on Sunday June 5 from noon to 6PM. Please contact me if you're interested in helping out with a booth at the Festival. Whether you come by the AHCA booth or not don't forget to come out and enjoy the free music in your own neighborhood.
Also in the near future one of our Neighborhood Conservation (NC) projects will begin construction. The north side of 6th St between Filmore and Glebe and the west side of Garfield between 6th St and 7th St will soon be getting Carlyle style lighting. Contractors, along with county staff, meet with neighbors on 3/15 to mark for light locations. Work is scheduled to begin soon. White paint marks have been made at the curb for each light location. If anyone has an issue with any of the pole locations, contact me soon.
I hope to see as many of you as possible at out next meeting.
Adam Croswell
AHCA Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
7:00 pot luck
7:30 meeting
- Presentation on Community Emergency Response Team training
- Introduction of new Third District reps (tentative)
- Regular business
- Treasurer's Report
- Annual Dues
- Review of Minutes
- Committee Reports
- Neighborhood Conservation Projects
- New Business
- Elections
- H. List serve policy
- Other business
- Adjournment
Saturday, May 14th is Neighborhood Day in Arlington. More than forty neighborhood events and a big afternoon parade will celebrate the theme "neighborhoods connect people."
The parade runs from Clarendon to the Courthouse on Wilson Boulevard, and it kicks off at 2 pm. It's down-home Arlington at its best and a fun family destination. The day winds down with a Twilight Tattoo military ceremony for the public at Ft. Myer.
See the County Web page at for a full list of events.
- President: Adam Croswell (703-553-0523)
- 1st Vice-President: Martin Chadzynski
- 2nd Vice-President: Kimberly Sumner
- Secretary: Betty Siegel (703-892-1959)
- Treasurer: Bob Dannemiller (703-685-3795)
- Neighborhood Conservation Representatives:
- Betty Siegel (703-892-1959)
- David Reidy (703-920-2940)
- Newsletter Editor: Megan Booth (703-553-9712)
- Newsletter Distribution:
- Cathy Camp
- Jonathan Reed
- Web site: Richard Bullington-McGuire
- List serve: Jay Jacob Wind (703-218-2726)
Beginning March 7 one lane of Columbia Pike is closed to traffic along the stretch of curb lane between South Garfield Street and South Glebe Road. This is the second phase of undergrounding utilities as part of the ongoing Columbia Pike Revitalization Program. Crews close a portion of the curb lane to complete a 400- to 500-foot section, and when that is complete, they move on to the next section. The third phase of the project will be between South Glebe Road and South Oakland Street. After the utility undergrounding work is completed, the County will begin streetscape improvements along that stretch of Columbia Pike.
The undergrounding began with survey crews staking out the project prior to the start of construction. In order to minimize inconvenience and restore parking as soon as possible along this 400-foot stretch, the contractor has allocated two construction crews to the site between South Highland Street and the entrance to the shopping center at Glebe Road. The crews are cutting the utility trench and encasing with concrete 400-foot sections of PVC conduit that will protect Dominion Power lines and Verizon telecommunication cables. Work on this section of the project should last five to six weeks, and then crews will move on to the next 400- to 500-foot section. If you have questions about the project, please contact Steve Siebert, 703-228-4215, or Mark Kelani, 703-228-3589.
April 30 – Saturday -- Environmental Collection and Recycling Event (E-CARE) 9am to 3pm. Thomas Jefferson Middle School parking lot, 125 S. Old Glebe Rd. One block east of Glebe Rd. and one block south of Rt. 50. The entrance will be marked. Safely dispose of household hazardous materials, such as paint, motor oil or other chemicals, at this event. Used bicycles will also be collected by Bikes for the World for recycling. Computers, televisions, and other electronic materials will be collected for recycling as well (a small fee may be charged for some items). Call 703-228-6832 for more information, or check the E-CARE web site.
Jay Wind, (703) 920-5193. Daughter available for:
- Babysitting
- Pet/plant sitting
- House sitting
Sharon & David Kinsman, (703) 892-1472. Son available for:
- Pet sitting
- Snow shoveling
Kathy & Mike Jackson, (703) 920-9534. Son available for:
- Pet/plant sitting
Amy & Jay Vennettt, (703) 920-1832. Son available for:
- Pet sitting
- Dog walking
- Snow shoveling
- Leaf-raking
Would your child like to be added to our RENT-A-KID resource? Email Betty Siegel at for inclusion in our next newsletter.
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Neighborhood Yard Sale
Got stuff to sell? Want to meet more of your neighbors? The Arlington Heights and Penrose Civic Associations will again partner on a community yard sale. The event will be held at Patrick Henry Elementary School on Saturday, May 21, 2005 from 8 am until noon. The event will take place in the parking lot, in the corner closest to the school and South Highland Street. Interested neighbors can rent a space for $10. The proceeds from the event will go to benefit each of the involved civic associations. Advance registration is required. For more info or to register, please contact Amy Vennett at 703-920-1832 or
Join AHCA's Ever-Growing E-mail List
Write to and get involved with the neighborhood. E-mail topics include construction, lost cats, advice on vendors, information about meetings, and other fun stuff! Join today!
Arlington Public Health – coming to your neighborhood!
Did you know that some of Arlington's public health programs are moving into the building that is located across the driveway from the Columbia Pike Library? These programs will likely move into the building, which has been vacant for almost five years, in June of 2005. The primary goal of these public health programs is to promote the health of the Arlington community and to prevent diseases and conditions which could harm the population. These programs will include the following:
- The Public Health Administration, which leads the Public Health Division, part of the Arlington County Department of Human Services.
- The CD Bureau, whose mission is to stop the spread of communicable diseases through prevention, detection, education and outreach in the community.
- The Environmental Health Bureau, whose programs, such as retail food, on-site sewage disposal, swimming pools and hotels are mandated by local ordinances and State codes.
- The Laboratory, a small on-site laboratory that allows more efficient treatment and tracking of communicable diseases and early intervention of preventable disease processes.
- Teen Services, which will provide “one stop shopping” for teens who are seeking health services offered in several sites throughout the county.
Staff from the Public Health Division is coming to our April 19th meeting to talk with AHCA residents and hear our concerns. We are also fortunate to have one of our neighbors, who has lived in Arlington Heights for over 10 years, amongst their staff. Her name is Amy Vennett and she lives at 864 S. Irving Street. She is really looking to make sure her employer is going to be a good new neighbor to us.