Over the Fence - Winter Special 2007

2024 Meeting Schedule

Normally meetings alternate between
Alice West Fleet Elementary Library
and the
Public Montessori School of Arlington Library.
Meetings start at 7:00 PM.

Please check the newsletter for details.

Winter 2007


Special Edition


Arlington Heights Civic Association has scheduled two special meetings on matters of great importance to the neighborhood. Please make every effort to attend.

Date: Thursday, February 22, 2007, 7 p.m.

Location: Room 105, Thomas Jefferson Community Center, 3501 2nd St. South

Agenda: (1) Park at Corner of S. Irving St. and 2nd St. South Future Plans for Career Center site

Date: Friday, March 30, 2007, 7 p.m.

Location: Patrick Henry Elementary School Library

Agenda: Public Comment on updated Draft Neighborhood Conservation Plan


Date: Thursday, February 22, 2007, 7 p.m.

Location: Room 105, Thomas Jefferson Community Center, 3501 2nd St. South


  1. Park at Corner of S. Irving St. and 2nd St. South
  2. Future Plans for Career Center site

Park at Corner of S. Irving St. and 2nd St. South

The park committee formed at the January 23, 2007 AHCA Annual Meeting will present its recommendations for options for the new park area at the corner of S. Irving St. and 2nd Street South. Please come to vote on the recommendations. Patrick Wegeng of the Arlington County Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Resources department will be present to discuss the park. The park committee organized a walk-through of the area with Mr. Wegeng, scheduled for Saturday, February 10 at 11:30 a.m. to assist the committee in finalizing recommendations for the park area. Everyone has been invited to attend. This special meeting was scheduled to ensure that planting could begin in March.

Future Plans for Career Center site (across from Patrick Henry Elementary School and Location of the Columbia Pike Library)

The School Board’s Multi-Site Study Committee of school properties, including the Career Center and Thomas Jefferson Middle School, scheduled a second public comment period for Monday, February 26, 2007. This special AHCA meeting has been scheduled to give the neighborhood an opportunity to weigh-in on future plans for the Career Center. Monique O’Grady, At-Large Representative and Arlington Heights resident will report on the options being considered. Additional information is available at: http://www.arlington.k12.va.us/facilities/planning/mss.shtml

Public Comment Meeting on Draft Neighborhood Conservation Plan.

Date: Friday, March 30, 2007, 7 p.m.

Location: Patrick Henry Elementary School Library

Agenda: Public Comment on updated Draft Neighborhood Conservation Plan

Numerous neighborhood volunteers have been working, on and off since 1999, to update the Arlington Heights’ Neighborhood Conservation Plan, which dates to 1980. This important planning document is required to participate in funding from the NCAC. NCAC is a committee made up of neighborhood representatives that recommends county funded beautification projects, including streetlight and sidewalk, curb and gutter improvements. A draft Executive Summary of the draft Plan is included in this Notice. Under NCAC guidelines, those not voting or expressing opposition to the draft plan will be presumed to be in favor of the draft plan. You do not need to be a member of the Arlington Heights Civic Association to vote on the Draft Plan.

The Public Comment Period for the updated Draft Plan will begin on or before March 15, 2007. Please note that during February, AHCA’s Executive Committee will be reviewing the draft Plan. A notice will be placed on the list serve and the AHCA website, at http://www.ahca.info, when the draft Plan is released for public comment. Comments can be made by clicking on the link. If you have trouble, contact the web master, Richard Bullington-McGuire at rbulling@obscrure.org. You may also call Lynn Michaels (lynn_michaels@verizon.net; 703-979-0791), our neighborhood contact for additional information about the time of release. If you would like to see a hard copy of the Draft Updated Plan, it will be available in the reference section of the Columbia Pike Branch Library, located at 816 S. Walter Reed Drive (open Mon. 10 -9, Tues. & Wed. 1-9, Thurs. 10-6, Fri. & Sat. 10-5, Sun 1-5) on or before March 15, 2007.


(Please note that this draft is subject to revision by the Executive Committee. It is meant to provide residents with notice of the major issues addressed in the updated draft Plan)

The updated Draft Plan opens with a discussion of the plan history, an overview of the survey results from the 1999 neighborhood survey, a discussion of neighborhood characteristics, including a short history of the neighborhood, demographic trends, housing stock, businesses, county and school facilities, and houses of worship. The remaining portions of the updated Draft Plan include recommendations. It is this portion of the updated Draft Plan that is included in this Draft Executive Summary, as follows.