Over the Fence - Summer 2007

2024 Meeting Schedule

Normally meetings alternate between
Alice West Fleet Elementary Library
and the
Public Montessori School of Arlington Library.
Meetings start at 7:00 PM.

Please check the newsletter for details.

Summer 2007



Jim Gill asked me to prepare the President’s Message since he is at the Jersey shore. It was a busy spring in Arlington Heights. We approved an updated Neighborhood Conservation Plan. Kimberly Sumner organized a plant swap. Rebecca and John Mashaw hosted the Garden Tour. Participants visited six neighborhood gardens on a spectacular spring day, exchanging gardening tips and plants. Neighborhood volunteers Cathy Camp, Phil Mackall, Sarah Reidy, and Kimberly Sumner worked beside me, planting new perennial flowerbeds and azaleas along S. Irving St. at 2nd St. South. Arlington County staff continues to indicate that the park’s asphalt path should be installed before the Fair. Cathy Camp is leading an effort to obtain another Park Enhancement Grant for the area. Many thanks to all of our volunteers who do so much to make this neighborhood a great place to live.

Members of the Executive Committee continue to focus on potential changes to county facilities in the neighborhood. AHCA is moving forward on Neighborhood Conservation Plan recommendations to improve TJ. On June 6, President Jim Gill sent a letter to the County Board requesting that the TJ site be master planned, with school options in mind. This letter is posted on our yahoo group. It is unclear how soon change will come at TJ, or other sites, due to competing needs (notably, Wakefield High School) and limited available bond funding. On June 21, Mr. Ferguson sent a letter to the School Board asking that it place all Building Level Planning Committees (BLPCs) on hold until funding priorities can be determined. Two of these involve facilities in our neighborhood: the Career Center and TJ Middle School.

AHCA has been actively participating in the BLPCs for the Career Center and TJ Middle School. The School Board has not yet taken action on the Superintendent’s recommendations for the Career Center, available at www.arlington.k12.va.us/currentnews/multisite/presentation.pdf. However, there are conceptual designs for TJ Middle School. AHCA strongly recommends that you review the designs. All proposed designs impact the recreation grounds at TJ. Some move the community center. All reconfigure surface parking along Second St., requiring relocation of courts and tree removal. None of the designs include tiered parking or a new gym. See, www.arlington.k12.va.us/facilities/design/Jefferson/PresentationBLPCMtg08.pdf (scroll down to see Options A through C). An AHCA meeting to discuss the designs is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, September 11, 2007. Updates on date, time, and location will be posted to the yahoo group, or call an officer.

In other news, the Columbia Pike Implementation Team (CPIT) met recently to address the proposed Highland St. alignment at Columbia Pike. The county's new proposal to align Highland Street in the Douglas Park neighborhood would have it continue past the gas station through All Around Art and meet 11th Street at a right angle. This approach would likely limit the potential increase in cut-through traffic beside Patrick Henry Elementary School.

Please join us for our next meeting on Tuesday, July 17, at 7 p.m., in the Patrick Henry Elementary School library. Special guests are Walter Tejada, Arlington County Board Member, and Capt. Michelle Nuneville, 3rd District Police Commander. We also need volunteers for the AHCA booth during the Fair and for a beautification project removing invasive plants at TJ (on Sat., Oct. 20, details below but I will bring coffee and pastries). Call (703-685-2596) or e-mail me (strangefruitblues@yahoo.com) if you are interested. Also, if you would like more neighborhood social events, please consider serving as AHCA social chair (call Jim Gill at 703-920-2079).

See you around the neighborhood,

Juliet Hiznay, First Vice-President



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Tuesday, July 17, 2007, 7 p.m. — AHCA Meeting — Patrick Henry Elementary School Library

AHCA is delighted to welcome Walter Tejada, County Board Member to discuss recreation and potential improvements at TJ. AHCA also welcomes, for the first time, Capt. Michelle Nuneville of the Arlington County Police, and members of her team. Capt. Nuneville replaced Paul Larson as District III Commander this year. Please come meet Mr. Tejada and Capt. Nuneville. Also on the agenda, introduction of a proposed change to the Bylaws to permit more flexibility in scheduling meetings. Recently, the association’s ability to respond to local government action relating to neighborhood facilities or Columbia Pike revitalization has been hampered by the requirements of our Bylaws. Under the AHCA’s existing Bylaw provisions, there will be no discussion or vote on the proposed change at this meeting. Any discussion or vote will occur at our following meeting, which will take place this fall. Our Bylaws are posted at www.ahca.info/about/bylaws. Please note that not all amendments are currently available online.

August 16-19, 2007 – Arlington County Fair at Thomas Jefferson / AHCA Neighborhood Booth

AHCA will once more have a presence at the fair, with a fundraising booth, location tbd, but hopefully outdoors at or near the new park area at S. Irving and 2nd St. South. The Park Committee is working on possible fundraising efforts since fundraising improves our odds of obtaining a county Park Enhancement Grant. Help us raise funds for the park — booth volunteer hours will be Wed. through Fri. 5-7 and Sat. and Sun. noon to 7 p.m.). Contact Juliet Hiznay at 703-685-2596 or strangefruitblues@yahoo.com for details. Please come visit the booth and sign a petition in support of AHCA’s application for a grant to improve our new park area.

PROBLEM DURING THE FAIR? If a problem arises during the Fair you wish to raise with the Fair Board, contact Cathy Camp, who has selflessly volunteered to be our resident problem solver this year. You can reach her at the Fair information booth during the Fair.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007 (date tentative, location tbd) – AHCA Meeting Re TJ Middle School Design

This meeting presents an opportunity for neighbors to learn about design options for TJ Middle School, ask questions and raise any concerns you may have. If you are interested in the site, including the recreation facilities and grounds please consider coming. The entire site is likely to be impacted by renovation or rebuilding of the TJ Middle School (see details in President’s message). Future announcements confirming the date, time, and place will be posted on the yahoo group, or you can call an officer.

Saturday, October 20, 2007, morning – Invasive Plants Removal at Thomas Jefferson

Coffee and donuts served, starting at 9 a.m.! This event to remove invasive plants from the TJ grounds is being organized in coordination with Jan Ferrigan, Arlington County Invasive Species Program Coordinator. The invasive plant removal will only be successful if we have enough volunteers. Ms. Ferrigan estimates that we can finish the project in a single morning if we have 20 volunteers. You do not need to commit for the entire morning. If you cannot make it as early as 9, that’s also fine. We will meet in the northeast field at TJ (bordered by Arlington Boulevard and S. Irving Street). Contact Juliet Hiznay at 202-352-8982 or at strangefruitblues@yahoo.com.


County staff is reviewing our updated Neighborhood Conservation Plan. Staff comments will be posted when available. AHCA’s S. Garfield street improvement project (Arlington Blvd. to 2nd St. South) is likely to be funded this December. AHCA is also preparing a Neighborhood Infrastructure Plan report requested by the County Manager.


Please e-mail the details to Juliet Hiznay at strangefruitblues@yahoo.com so they can be included in our neighborhood report.


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Arlington Heights Civic Association - 2007 Officers