Neighborhood Conservation Plan Survey

2024 Meeting Schedule

Normally meetings alternate between
Alice West Fleet Elementary Library
and the
Public Montessori School of Arlington Library.
Meetings start at 7:00 PM.

Please check the newsletter for details.

October 1, 1999
Dear Neighbor,

    Arlington County spends over a million dollars a year on capital improvements in neighborhoods such as ours that have Neighborhood Conservation Plans.  A plan allows a community to evaluate existing conditions, establish goals, and make recommendations to the County Board for protecting and improving its quality of life.  Our plan was adopted in 1980.  Since that time, our neighborhood and its residents have changed; and the plan has become dated.

    In July 1999, Arlington Heights Civic Association (AHCA) voted to update our conservation plan.  The attached survey follows up on our recent traffic concerns study and is the first step in the conservation plan update.  This effort affects you and the quality of life in your neighborhood.  Please take a few moments of your time and complete the attached survey.  It is the best way to convey your thoughts and opinions on how to improve our neighborhood.  Your input in important.

    When you have completed the survey, fold it along the line on the back page, and tape or staple it closed.  You can then mail it to 121 South Hudson Street or drop it off at either 121 South Hudson Street or 611 South Ivy Street.  You can also complete the survey by visiting our web site at and clicking on "Survey".  Please return the survey by November 1.  A summary of the results will be available at the January 18, 2000, AHCA meeting.

    Once we tabulate the survey results, we will draft a new Neighborhood Conservation Plan.  After the AHCA accepts the Plan, we will submitted it to the Arlington County Board for adoption.  Specific projects in the plan (e.g., street and sidewalk improvements, traffic control measures, streetlights, parks, trees and other beautification efforts) then become eligible for Neighborhood Conservation funds.  The plan will also guide the County in making development decisions in our neighborhood.

    If you are interested in participating in the development of our Neighborhood Conservation Plan, please let us know on the form on the back of this page.  (It will be detached from the survey before it is tabulated.  If you prefer, you may return it separately.)  If you have any questions or comments please contact us.

Jim Gill
AHCA Neighborhood Conservation
Advisory Committee Representative

Jay Wind
AHCA President

o I am interested in helping tabulate this survey.
o I am interested in helping develop the Neighborhood Conservation Plan.
    Please contact me.
Name: ___________________________________________________

Address: _________________________________________________


Phone: ___________________________________________________

Neighborhood Conservation Plan Survey

    Please answer any questions that apply to you.  If more than one answer pertains to your household, you may give more than one answer.  Please feel free to add comments on any question. Responses will be kept anonymous.  Please refer to the DETAILED MAP when describing a location in response to any of the questions.  If you prefer, you may write the number of the question on the map to indicate the location.


1. Please list your hundred block and street name.( e.g. 100 block, South Hudson Street)

    Hundred block _________ Street name _____________________________


1. What do you consider the three primary advantages and disadvantages of living in our neighborhood?

Advantages                                             Disadvantages

a) ______________________________ a) ______________________________

b) ______________________________ b) ______________________________

c) ______________________________ c) ______________________________

2. Is there a chronic problem with noise on your street? (Check all applicable boxes.)
a) o From traffic
b) o From commercial establishment(s)
c) o From other residents
d) o From aircraft
e) o From public areas (specify) ______________
f)  o From dogs
g) o From ambulances
h) o Other (specify) _________________________


1. Do you have strong concerns about the way land is being used in the neighborhood in regard to (check those that apply):
a) o Apartment development
b) o Single family detached housing
c) o Commercial development
d) o Townhouse development
e) o Undeveloped land
f)  o Other (specify) _________________________

2. How would you describe your level of concern about too many occupants in some houses in the neighborhood (e.g., boarding houses, group houses)?
(Check one)
a) o Not concerned
b) o Somewhat concerned
c) o Very concerned

3. Are there any structures, vacant lots, or abandoned or inoperable vehicles on your block or elsewhere in the neighborhood that you consider eyesores or safety hazards?
a) o Yes
b) o No
If yes, please specify address(es): _________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Are you aware of any possible zoning violations in the neighborhood?
a) o Yes
b) o No
If yes, please specify the nature of the problem and the address(es): ________________________________________________________________________

5. If plans were proposed to widen the following streets in or adjoining the Arlington Heights neighborhood, how would you regard such plans? (Circle one per line.)
1    Strongly favor
2    Favor
3    Neutral
4    Oppose
5    Strongly oppose

a) 1 2 3 4 5    Glebe Road
b) 1 2 3 4 5    Fillmore Street
c) 1 2 3 4 5    Columbia Pike
d) 1 2 3 4 5    Arlington Boulevard (Rt. 50)
e) 1 2 3 4 5    Other streets (specify)              ________________________________________________________________________________________


1. If you have a sidewalk in front of your house, please rate the condition. Otherwise, skip to the next question.  (Circle one)
a) o Intact
b) o Still OK
c) o Neutral
d) o Needs work
e) o Disintegrating

2. If you have a curb in front of your house, please rate the condition. Otherwise, skip to the next question. (Circle one)
a) o Intact
b) o Still OK
c) o Neutral
d) o Needs work
e) o Disintegrating

3. Are there problems with gutters or drainage on your street?
a) o Yes
b) o No

If yes, please specify the location and the nature of the problem: ___________________________________________________________________________

4. Is additional lighting needed on your street or in the neighborhood?
a) o Yes
b) o No
If yes, please specify the location(s): _______________________________________________________________________________________________

5. Indicate your opinion of the following statements.  (Circle one per line)
1    Strongly favor
2    Favor
3    Neutral
4    Oppose
5    Strongly oppose

a) 1 2 3 4 5    There should be a sidewalk on at least one side of each street in the neighborhood.
b) 1 2 3 4 5    There should be a sidewalk on both sides of each street in the neighborhood.
c) 1 2 3 4 5    On your block, there should be curbs and gutters on both sides of the street.


1. Are any intersections or places in the neighborhood difficult for you or others to maneuver because of traffic flow, traffic speed, visual obstructions (i.e., vegetation or structures), or the configuration of the road?
a) o Yes
b) o No
If yes, please specify the problem(s) and location(s): ___________________________________________________________________________________

2. Indicate your level of concern about the following traffic problems.  (Circle one per line)
1. Not concerned at all
2. Slightly concerned
3. More concerned
4. Even more concerned
5. Extremely concerned

a) 1 2 3 4 5   Cut-through traffic in the neighborhood
b) 1 2 3 4 5   Vehicles exceeding the speed limits in the neighborhood

3. Please indicate your opinion of each method listed for changing traffic patterns in the neighborhood.  (Circle one per line)
1    Strongly favor
2    Favor
3    Neutral
4    Oppose
5    Strongly oppose

a) 1 2 3 4 5   More aggressive enforcement of traffic laws
b) 1 2 3 4 5   Increased speeding fines for residential streets
c) 1 2 3 4 5   Mobile electronic speed indicators
d) 1 2 3 4 5   Additional truck restrictions
e) 1 2 3 4 5   One-way streets
f)  1 2 3 4 5   Restrict turns during rush hour
g) 1 2 3 4 5   Barricades
h) 1 2 3 4 5   Four-way stops
i)  1 2 3 4 5   Speed humps (made for 25 mph)
j)  1 2 3 4 5   Raised crosswalks
k) 1 2 3 4 5   Traffic nubs
l)  1 2 3 4 5   Traffic circles
m) Limit access to the neighborhood

Please specify any other method(s) you favor _________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Are the street or traffic signs (e.g., stop signs, street name signs, etc.) in the neighborhood adequate?
o Yes
o No
o No opinion
If no, please explain: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. Are there areas in the neighborhood where traffic may create a safety hazard for school children or other pedestrians?
o Yes
o No

If yes, please specify each location and why you think it is unsafe. _________________________________________________________________________


1. Do you use Metro buses?
o Yes
o No
If yes, which routes do you use? __________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. How many persons in your household commute to work? ________

Please answer the following two questions if you or another member of your household commute to work.

3. Indicate the primary commuting method(s) used by person(s) in your household. (Check all that apply.)
a) o walk
b) o bicycle
c) o bus
d) o Metro rail
e) o car (single driver)
f)  o carpool or vanpool
g) o combination
h) o other ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Indicate your response to the following statements.
I/we would be willing to use other means of transportation, instead of driving alone to work, if there were: (Circle all that apply for your household.)
a)    Yes    Maybe    No    More convenient bus routes
b)    Yes    Maybe    No    More frequent bus service
c)    Yes    Maybe    No    Easier access to bus schedules
d)    Yes    Maybe    No    Lower metrobus/metrorail fares
e)    Yes    Maybe    No    Better sidewalks
f)     Yes    Maybe    No    More crosswalks with lines, stop signs or lights
g)    Yes    Maybe    No    Carpool listings

1. How often is it difficult to find parking on the street near your house?  (Check one)
a) o Never
b) o 1-3 days/week
c) o 4-7 days/week

2. If you consider parking on the street near your house a problem, what do you think are the causes? (Check all that apply.)
a) o Commuters
b) o Residents do not use their driveways
c) o Too many parking restrictions.  Specify nature/location of restriction(s): ______________________________________
d) o Lack of residents-only parking restrictions
e) o Other (specify)_____________________________________________________________

3. Is there residents-only parking in front of your house?  (Check one)
a) o Yes
b) o No

If yes, how effective is it?
a) o Very Effective
b) o Effective
c) o Usually Effective
d) o Not Effective

4. Please indicate your opinion on the following methods for managing parking in the neighborhood.
1    Strongly favor
2    Favor
3    Neutral
4    Oppose
5    Strongly oppose

a) 1 2 3 4 5    During business ours, reserve areas for residential permit parking only.
b) 1 2 3 4 5    At all times, reserve areas for residential permit parking only.
c) 1 2 3 4 5    Improve parking enforcement (i.e., Arlington police should issue tickets for repeat parking offenders).

1. Are there areas in the neighborhood where the lack of sidewalks, handicapped access, crosswalks, traffic lights, curbs or gutters create a safety hazard for school children or pedestrians?
a) o Yes
b) o No

If yes, please specify the nature and location of each hazard. _____________________________________________________________________________

2. Have you seen any rats in the neighborhood within the last year?
a) o Yes
b) o No
If yes, please give the location. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Are you aware of any fire or health hazards in the neighborhood?
a) o Yes
b) o No
If yes, please specify the nature and location of each hazard. _____________________________________________________________________________

4. Is neighborhood crime a problem?
a) o Yes
b) o No
c) o Not sure/Do not know
If yes or not sure/do not know, what type of crime are your particularly concerned about? _______________________________________________________

5. Do you think increased police patrols are needed in the neighborhood?
a) o Yes
b) o No

6. Is there an active Neighborhood Crime Watch Program on your block?
a) o Yes
b) o No
c) o Do not know

7. If not, are you interested in establishing a Crime Watch on your block?
a) o Yes
b) o No
c) o Maybe


1. About how many times per month do you visit Thomas Jefferson Community Center?
a) o 0-3
b) o 4-8
c) o 9-12
d) o 13 or more

2.. If you use Thomas Jefferson Community Center, please list the reasons. (Check all that apply.)
a) o Exercise
b) o Walk dog(s)
c) o Socialize
d) o Use playground equipment
e) o Use the indoor sports and recreation facilities
f)  o Use the outdoor sports and recreation facilities

3. What is the overall condition of Thomas Jefferson Community Center?
a) o Excellent
b) o Good
c) o Fair
d) o Poor
e) o Don't Know

4. Do you have any other concerns with park or recreational facilities within our neighborhood?
a) o Yes
b) o No
If yes, please specify.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. What changes to parks and recreational facilities would you like to see in the neighborhood? (Check all that apply)
a) o More trails - walking, jogging, biking
b) o More picnic areas
c) o More park benches
d) o More athletic ball fields and/or courts
e) o Public gardens
f)  o Dog runs
g) o Other (specify) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________


1. Arlington County provides a wide range of services. Please rate the following county services.  (Circle one on each line)
1    Excellent
2    Good
3    Fair
4    Poor
5    Not Sure

a) 1 2 3 4 5    Police protection
b) 1 2 3 4 5    Speed limit enforcement
c) 1 2 3 4 5    Parking enforcement
d) 1 2 3 4 5    Fire/ambulance service
e) 1 2 3 4 5    Street cleaning
f)  1 2 3 4 5    Trash collection
g) 1 2 3 4 5    Curbside recycling
h) 1 2 3 4 5    Disposal of hazardous waste
i)  1 2 3 4 5    Leaf collection
j)  1 2 3 4 5    Water/sewage service
k) 1 2 3 4 5    Street/sidewalk maintenance
l)  1 2 3 4 5    Park maintenance
m)1 2 3 4 5    Snow removal
n) 1 2 3 4 5    Pest control  (rats, mice, etc.)
o) 1 2 3 4 5    Other services (specify) ______________________________________________________________________________________________


1. Indicate your opinion on how we should promote the preservation of trees and other green or open space in our neighborhood. (Circle the appropriate number.)
1    Strongly favor
2    Favor
3    Neutral
4    Oppose
5    Strongly oppose

a) 1 2 3 4 5    Limit residential development
b) 1 2 3 4 5    Ask the County to plant more trees on County land
c) 1 2 3 4 5    Ask the County to purchase property and convert it into parkland

2. Please list any public areas in need of beautification and/or preservation
    that you want our conservation plan to address.  ____________________________________________________________________________________


1. Check the box that describes your relationship to your Arlington Heights residence.
a) o Own and occupy
b) o Rent and occupy
c) o Own but live outside the neighborhood (absentee landlord)

2. Please indicate the number of people in each age group in your household.
_____ Under 5
_____   5-12
_____ 13-17
_____ 18-24
_____ 25-34
_____ 35-54
_____ 55-64
_____ 65-74
_____ 75 or older

3. How many years have you lived in Arlington Heights? _____________

4. If you have elementary, middle- or high school-aged children, what type of school do they attend?
a) o Public
b) o Private
c) o Home school
d) o Other
If you marked "Public Schools," please specify which one(s) your child/children attend(s):  _______________________________________________________

    Please use the space below to address any concerns you have about the neighborhood that were not addressed in this questionnaire. If elaborating on a specific answer, please specify the question number.



    Thank you for your assistance in completing this important survey.  Please fold the survey along the line on the back of this page and tape or staple it closed.  You can then mail it to 121 South Hudson Street or drop it off at either 121 South Hudson Street or 611 South Ivy Street.  PLEASE RETURN YOUR SURVEY BY NOVEMBER 1, 1999.

Place 33¢ Stamp Here

ARLINGTON, VA 22204-1804