Route 50 and Glebe Road Improvement Project

2024 Meeting Schedule

Normally meetings alternate between
Alice West Fleet Elementary Library
and the
Public Montessori School of Arlington Library.
Meetings start at 7:00 PM.

Please check the newsletter for details.

Project Update

The Glebe Road (Route 120) @ Route 50 bridge rehabilitation project design process is moving forward.

The Virginia Department of Transportation has planned a Public Hearing to be held October 19th at Thomas Jefferson Middle School.

Public Notices will appear in local newspapers in the late September-early October time period.

Hope to see you there.

Dusty Holcombe
Location & Design
Virginia Department of Transportation
(703) 383-2194

    The following is an update on the Route 120 @ Route 50 Bridge (0120-000-118, C501, B609) project. VDOT has conducted its internal review (Field Inspection) of the project. The Field Inspection Resolution report is currently being reviewed by District Administration and the plans will be updated upon their concurrence. I am currently initiating the Public Involvement process which takes approximately 60 days. This process includes identifying a location and time for the hearing and making sure the proper advertisements are placed in local papers for public notification. We anticipate the Public Hearing to be scheduled for the late September / early October time frame. This will allow citizens in the area to get back from Summer vacations and allow for better public participation.

    Since we last spoke, VDOT has also conducted a Value Engineering (VE) study on the project and came up with three recommendations. We will review the options with Arlington County representatives and provide recommendations to VDOT's Chief Engineer on their implementation.

    The project is currently in VDOT Six-Year Plan and has been since we last spoke. Our purpose as it pertains to the Six-Year Plan is to have the allocation of funds accelerated. At this time, Preliminary Engineering and Right of Way funds are not allocated until the 2002/03 fiscal year and Construction is allocated for the 2003/04 fiscal year. Mr. Nicholson and I have spoken with NOVA District administration on this subject and have requested that allocations occur at the earliest time possible. We probably won't know if the acceleration of funds has occurred until sometime in early 2001.

    Arlington County has named David Robinson (703-228-3693) as the project manager for the Route 120 project. He will be replacing Mr. Holladay. VDOT will be having a meeting with Mr. Robinson in the near future to update him on the progress of the project and review any issues that have developed since the Field Inspection.

    If you have any questions pertaining to this project please e-mail me or call.

Dusty Holcombe
Location & Design
Virginia Department of Transportation
(703) 383-2194

Scope of Project

by Dusty Holcombe, Location & Design Project Manager - (703) 383-2194
Virginia Department of Transportation

    The scope of the project is to replace the structure at the Route 120 (Glebe Road) - Route 50 (Arlington Blvd.) interchange as well as relieve traffic congestion on Glebe Road by creating a left turn lane for vehicles travelling north on Glebe Road and heading west on Arlington Blvd.
    The left turn lane will allow through movements on Glebe Road to proceed more efficiently through the intersections at the interchange.  Additionally, the phasing for the signals within the interchange will be modified to optimize the proposed lane configurations and allow pedestrian traffic to cross the intersections safely.  The design of the improvement is currently in its preliminary stages and advertisement of the final drawings will not occur until approximately August of 2002.  As part of the VDOT design process a public hearing will be held, though the date of the hearing has not been set.
    The Location & Design Project Manager for this project is Dusty Holcombe and he can be reached at 703-383-2194.  The state project number is 0120-000-118, C501, B609, and if you have any question please call.