Notes from site visit to Patrick Henry Elementary
and Arlington Career Center schools
March 20, 2001
provided by Ritch Viola on May 16, 2001
- There is no sidewalk along the driveway by the library and health center, students walking between the Career Center and Columbia Pike must walk in the driveway.
- There is no sidewalk between the front entrance of Henry school and Highland street
- The crossing guard at 7th/Walter Reed intersection reports vehicles running the red light and failing to obey No Right Turn on Red restriction there.
- There are several missing curb ramps at the Walter Reed/7th street intersection
- Some students coming from the Columbia Pike area will cross Walter Reed Drive at 8th Street or further south, where there is no guard or traffic signal
- Some parents will park illegally at Henry school driveway and block bus access.
- Speeding and cut-through problems have been reported for S. Highland Street between 2nd Street and Columbia Pike.
- There are no sidewalks along S. Highland Street between 2nd and 6th streets
- There is no crosswalk for Garfield/6th Street crossing
- There is no crosswalk for the crossing of 8th Street on the east side of Walter Reed Dr
- The crosswalk on Highland Street south of 7th street is improperly located.
- The school zone on 7th ends near Garfield when it should include Walter Reed Dr
- About 60% of the students at Patrick Henry School walk or are driven to school, the rest arrive in four buses. Nearly all the Career Center students arrive by bus or drive.
- Two crossing guards help the elementary school students at 7th/Highland and at Walter Reed/7th street intersections.
- Cones are used by Patrick Henry school to prevent motorists from using the school's driveway to cut between Walter Reed Drive and S. Highland Street.
Potential Actions:
- Investigate how a sidewalk can be constructed along the driveway between the Career Center and Walter Reed Dr
- Investigate how a sidewalk can be constructed along the driveway between Patrick Henry school and Highland Street
- Arlington Police plan to monitor traffic at the 7th/Walter Reed Dr intersection
- Construct nubs on Walter Reed at 7th street to shorten crossing distances, slow traffic speeds, prevent parking at the crosswalks and install missing curb ramps
- Construct nubs on Walter Reed at 8th street to shorten crossing distances
- A school volunteer will assist in directing children to safe crossings of Walter Reed
- Investigate with NTC staff what traffic calming measures should be employed on S Highland Street to slow traffic and reduce cut-through traffic
- A sidewalk will be built along S. Highland St. between 2nd and 6th streets
- Paint missing crosswalks at 6th/Garfield and 8th/Walter Reed Dr
- Relocate the mid-block crosswalk of Highland street to the 9th/Highland intersection
- Remove the "School Zone Ends" sign from 7th Street near Garfield Street