Arlington Heights Neighborhood Conservation Plan

2024 Meeting Schedule

Normally meetings alternate between
Alice West Fleet Elementary Library
and the
Public Montessori School of Arlington Library.
Meetings start at 7:00 PM.

Please check the newsletter for details.

August 18, 2001



We believe that continuous citizen involvement in the planning process helps the County government to apply its resources most effectively. This plan reflects our neighborhood's values. The specific proposals in the plan document our priorities. We hope the discussions in this document, which explain our goals, will provide useful context for decisions and plans affecting our neighborhood.

This updated plan was developed over a period of three years of public involvement, including a survey, public comments at civic association and Columbia Pike revitalization meetings, neighbor to neighbor discussions, talks with members of the County Board and County staff, and participation in the Neighborhood Conservation process. Preliminary and final drafts of this update were made available for review and inspection on the Internet and in the reference section of the Columbia Pike Branch Library on South Walter Reed Drive. All residents were invited to participate in the writing of this document, and they were encouraged to comment on the drafts. The Update Drafting Committee considered all comments received as it developed this plan. The Arlington Heights Civic Association Executive Committee prepared the final draft and presented it to the Civic Association membership for approval.

Arlington Heights is situated on a prominent stretch of Columbia Pike, and the conditions on Columbia Pike reflected themselves inside our neighborhood. For many years, Arlington Heights and the other communities along the Pike have been negatively impacted by the lack of effective action to recreate a vibrant and attractive Columbia Pike corridor. A New County-sponsored effort, the Columbia Pike Initiative, is currently underway. We are hopeful that it will lead to the economic development and aesthetic improvements long overdue in this area. Arlington Heights will become a part of the important Columbia Pike Town Center envisioned in the Initiative. The neighborhood will not be preserved unless the capital improvements outlined in the Columbia Pike Initiative become reality.

The Columbia Pike Initiative has engaged all the communities along the Pike in a consensus building process. Not surprisingly, the infrastructure requirements Arlington Heights residents have identified are consistent with those in the Initiative.

Residents emphasize pedestrian safety. They believe that streets should be designed to accommodate pedestrian needs. They want safer and cleaner streets, with less cut-through traffic. They believe that sidewalks should be installed where they do not exist, and that all sidewalks should be accessible and well maintained. They believe that streetlights must be pedestrian-friendly, and that the hodgepodge of aging streetlights that was designed for vehicular traffic must be replaced. They emphasize that additional lighting needs must be determined basis of pedestrian safety, not just auto safety. They believe that the style of lights should be appropriate for the Columbia Pike Town Center.

Residents want to preserve and create open space and better maintain the green space that already exists.

To be economically vibrant and attractive, Columbia Pike must be surrounded by safe and pleasing neighborhoods. To be safe and pleasing, the neighborhoods must border a vibrant and attractive Columbia Pike. Our neighborhood's future is intimately linked to the revitalization of Columbia Pike. We will continue our involvement in the Columbia Pike Initiative and are working to bring the kind of improvements necessary for the betterment of the entire community. The Neighborhood Conservation Program funded infrastructure improvements called for in this update are essential to realizing that vision.


This list of goals is not intended to be complete. Other goals are found throughout the text. The top ten neighborhood goals are:

  1. Concrete County action, not just more studies, to improve Columbia Pike.
  2. Properly maintained accessible sidewalks on every street in the neighborhood.
  3. Pedestrian friendly street lighting throughout the neighborhood and along its borders.
  4. Improved and adequate maintenance of roads, streets, curb and gutters.
  5. Police protection and emergency services to assure low crime rates and fast response time.
  6. Improvement in the quality of education and the maintenance of school grounds.
  7. Keeping cut through-traffic out of our neighborhood.
  8. Enforcement of the abandoned vehicle and animal ordinances.
  9. Better public transportation and pedestrian traffic services.
  10. More attractive appearance of the entire neighborhood by encouraging residents and owners to improve their homes.


Arlington Heights is a primarily residential community bounded by Arlington Boulevard on the north, Fillmore Street and Walter Reed Drive on the east, Columbia Pike on the south, and Glebe Road on the west. Approximately 6,000 persons reside in over 1,000 households, including

About 100 small businesses operate on Glebe Road, Columbia Pike, and Walter Reed Drive, plus

The special attraction of Arlington Heights is the quiet, residential community character with particularly attractive homes on large tree-lined streets. Because our neighborhood is centrally situated in the metropolitan Washington D.C. area, we have excellent access to colleges and universities, libraries, and recreational and cultural activities. We have ready access to superb restaurants and a diversity of shopping opportunities. The neighborhood is a most desirable place to live and raise children.

The last few years have seen an upturn in the quality of Arlington Heights' housing stock. Many residents have chosen to remodel and restore older houses. No house lots remain vacant in the neighborhood, although some double lots could be subdivided, as happened recently on the southwest corner of 2nd at South Highland and the northeast corner of 6th and South Highland.

Since an important goal of the Neighborhood Conservation Program is to enable neighborhoods to maintain and increase property values, a key issue is that two comparable houses with mirror-image addresses, north and south of Route 50, have dramatically different values, reflected both in market price and assessment. For instance,

Therefore, a goal of this Neighborhood Conservation Plan is to increase property values in Arlington Heights and by extension, its surrounding neighborhoods, by proposing better streets, sidewalks, lighting, and County services, to put Arlington Heights into parity with its North Arlington neighbors.


Arlington Heights Civic Association has participated in the Neighborhood Conservation Program since 1976, when the County Board approved its initial Neighborhood Conservation Plan. For this update, we re-validated and carried forward any projects envisioned in the 1976 plan but not yet completed.

This update began with a questionnaire that was distributed to every household in the neighborhood in fall 1999. The survey showed that Arlington Heights residents have positive reasons for choosing to live here. Among the reasons:

Virtually 100% of the respondents expressed a desire to maintain the community's quiet, small-town character. Major concerns included the use of neighborhood streets for cut-through commuter traffic and the resultant noise, air pollution, and danger to pedestrians. Cut-through traffic is particularly a problem on three streets:

Respondents were also concerned about the lack of parkland and the restrictions on their ability to use the limited open space. Respondents commented upon the vital linkage between the preservation of the character of Arlington Heights and the revitalization of Columbia Pike.

We used Neighborhood Conservation Survey results extensively in developing the recommendations for land use, transportation, parks and recreation, public utilities, and housing contained in this Neighborhood Conservation Plan.


The Arlington Heights Neighborhood Conservation ("AHNC") area is primarily zoned for low-density, single-family residential uses (R-6). Some areas throughout the AHNC area are zoned for semi-detached houses and townhouses (R-5 and R2-7), specifically on portions of Highland Street, Irving Street, Ivy Street, 5th Street, Glebe Road and Old Glebe Road. The western edge of the AHNC area along Glebe Road between Arlington Boulevard and 5th Street contains high-rise apartments and general commercial areas (C-3 and C-2). The southern edge of the AHNC area along Columbia Pike between Walter Reed Drive and Glebe Road is zoned for general commercial (C-0 and C-2). Residents strongly wish to maintain the current zoning and land use provisions.

Neighborhood goals for zoning/land use proposals are:


Arlington Heights' housing stock is varied, mature, structurally sound, and generally in good repair. The housing pattern contributes to community integrity. All commercial development, large apartment complexes and schools are located on the periphery of the neighborhood, and the interior areas are zoned exclusively for single-family homes.

There are approximately 1,050 housing units within Arlington Heights, falling into four broad categories:

  1. About 485 single-family detached residences. These houses consist of a variety of architectural styles, but most have brick veneer (many with small amounts of composite siding on ells and additions). Most have 2 stories and basements. The vast majority of single-family houses in Arlington Heights were built between 1935 and 1970.
  2. About 200 semi-detached 2 story brick duplexes. These homes were built about 1945. About 180 of these units are clustered in the Westmont section of Arlington Heights at the southern end of our neighborhood, between Eighth Street South and Columbia Pike. Another 20 duplexes are located in the northwest corner of the neighborhood along First Road South.
  3. About 68 contemporary townhouses. These include 60 units built in 1981 as Dominion Square condominiums between 2nd and 5th Streets South, just west of Jackson Street. Another 8 townhouse condominiums were built at the corner of S. Glebe Road and Fifth Street South in 1999, on the site of a former state Dept. of Motor Vehicles office.
  4. Two apartment/condominium complexes providing about 300 housing units. The Arbors of Arlington condominium is a set of five 4-story brick veneer buildings providing 115 housing units in "garden-apartment" style. The Arbors is located in the extreme northwest corner of our neighborhood, near the intersection of S. Glebe Road and Route 50/Arlington Boulevard. The Arbors buildings were originally constructed in 1942 as the Highland Hall apartments, and were renovated and converted to condominiums in the 1980s. Dominion Arms is a high-rise building along S. Glebe Road, providing about 185 apartments. The Dominion Arms building was erected in the early 1960s.

According to the 1990 Census, the average household size for Arlington Heights was about 2.2 persons, down from the 2.7 persons per household figure for our neighborhood in the 1970s. However, many in the neighborhood feel that more children are in our midst today than ten years ago. Our housing stock and proximity to public facilities make Arlington Heights a "family-friendly" community. Patrick Henry Elementary School, Thomas Jefferson Junior High School and Community Center, and the Arlington Career Center are all within our neighborhood boundaries.

The typical home in Arlington Heights is over fifty years old, with fewer than a dozen homes less than ten years old. There is little land available for building any new single-family homes. Renovation and replacement of our aging housing stock are, and will continue to be, the chief means of meeting housing needs. Significant remodeling and the construction of additions have been done by many individual homeowners. Despite their age, houses in Arlington Heights have continued to appreciate in value. Approximately 20% of the non-apartment homes in Arlington Heights are rental. The rental average for the Westmont area of semidetached homes is about one in three.

Some rehabilitation help is available in Arlington. The Arlington Housing Corporation has made grants to some homeowners in our area, and the Senior Citizens' home repair program has helped others. Both programs could be expanded to reach more people, but those programs now available are narrow and not inclusive. Arlington Housing Corporation grantees must own the homes to receive aid as well as be in financial need. Senior citizens must meet age requirements to get help.

Significant rehabilitation is needed for some rental units when neither tenant nor landlord can or will maintain them adequately.

Residents of Arlington Heights wish to have the interior of their community remain characterized by family-type (i.e., single-family) housing.


  1. Any necessary replacement of single-family housing in areas with single-family zoning should be with either single-family housing or considered by the County as potential parkland acquisition. For example, we have an effort underway to convert an empty lot at the corner of South Garfield and Arlington Boulevard to parkland.
  2. We desire that 'infill' development--that is, the construction of housing on subdivided lots consistent with existing zoning--be limited to housing that is reasonably consistent with the scale and appearance of existing, neighboring properties.
  3. No habitable housing should be lost from family-type housing stock for reasons of commercial development, upzoning or apartments, or to create or widen roadways. The Columbia Pike Revitalization Plan includes a proposed change to the General Land Use Plan (GLUP), that could eliminate about 40 of the duplex housing units on the south side of Ninth Street South; this proposed change would rezone that area for higher density residential housing. The Arlington Heights Civic Association has given preliminary approval to the general concepts behind this Revitalization Plan, but we have not indicated approval of any particular change to the GLUP in our neighborhood.
  4. Arlington County should continue programs to promote home ownership, rehabilitation of all homes in disrepair, and the preservation of existing single-family housing stock.
  5. County ordinances relating to maintenance of property should be strictly enforced. This is particularly important in cases of absentee landlords/owners.
  6. For those owners who cannot comply for physical or financial reasons, work to develop programs that will make it possible to bring their property into compliance with community standards.
  7. We support programs of property tax relief for people on fixed incomes. We believe such tax relief would increase their ability to maintain and/or remodel their homes.
  8. In addition to official County government efforts, we support voluntary, community-based efforts to assist neighbors with housing repairs and cosmetic improvements.


Arlington Heights has two commercial areas and three institutional areas:

Westmont Shopping Center and the commercial areas on Glebe Road, Columbia Pike, and Walter Reed Drive are essential to our community's well being. These businesses make it possible to walk to a pharmacy, restaurants, a theatre, an electronic shop, clothing stores, and even a university. Crossing Columbia Pike or Walter Reed Drive, a neighbor can also walk to a hardware store, two supermarkets, and the only co-op grocery store in Northern Virginia.

Part of the vibrancy of Columbia Pike is its live entertainment. The Pike has become a showplace for live music, with at least six venues within walking distance of Arlington Heights, starting across Walter Reed Drive at Cecilia's and Attilla's, continuing west with occasional live performances at Cinema'n'Drafthouse, regular live music at Abi's Azteca Grill and El Puerto Seafood House, past performances at Coco's Grill and Restaurant, and newly permitted live music at Sports House Grill Restaurant. The annual Columbia Pike Blues Festival and the new Columbia Pike Arts and Jazz Festival further institutionalize the trend toward making Columbia Pike a Mecca for live entertainment. Like SoHo (South of Houston) in New York City and NoMa (North of Market) in San Francisco, a catchy Spanglish name has been suggested for Columbia Pike Arts -- CoPA

Live music, however, can bring problems. Coco's Restaurant was a point of contention for many years, finally leading to the County Board's denial of their conditional use permit for live music in April 2001. While cultivating "CoPA," we must protect the quiet enjoyment of the citizens who live near Columbia Pike.

Although our commercial areas are convenient to our neighborhood, they are unattractive. The alleyway separating the Columbia Pike businesses from their 9th Street neighbors is a mess, as are the parking dividers at Mrs. Chen's Kitchen and Subway. The sidewalk on Columbia Pike was recently torn up by MCI WorldCom subcontractors and is not yet fully restored. No sitting areas or greenery exist along Columbia Pike; rather, the traffic flow discourages pedestrians and encourages automobile traffic. Parking between the shops on Columbia Pike is disorganized and dangerous. The two 7-Elevens and McDonald's are significant sources of litter.

We want these commercial areas to be cleaner and healthier places to do business. We want shopping areas where we can walk, relax, sit in the sun, visit a newsstand or bookstore, and enjoy architectural features. We also want our neighborhood businesses to continue to hire our students after school and during the summer, and to provide permanent employment to our young adults and professionals. Nowhere else in Arlington is there an equally self-sufficient mix of diverse small businesses coupled with a pool of employees.

We benefit from the high quality of goods and services that the business and merchants in these areas now provide and wish to support them so that they can preserve and protect their investment and maintain the availability of their products. At the same time, we recognize that the County's efforts to encourage maintaining and updating these areas have not been adequate. We encourage the County to make the infrastructure investments necessary to revitalize Columbia Pike, such as decorative sidewalks and plantings, design standards, better lighting, and higher zoning where appropriate. We applaud and support the County's efforts to help revitalize the area by providing technical and planning assistance and redevelopment grants.

We recognize the major risks inherent in revitalization -- that property owners may not be willing to invest in improving their properties, that construction may take time and make matters worse temporarily, and that small businesses may not survive during construction.

For the business and commercial areas in our neighborhood, we identify the following goals:

  1. Support and patronize the businesses of Dominion Arms, Westmont Shopping Center, and Columbia Pike to encourage them to maintain the availability of high-quality goods and services at moderate cost.
  2. Encourage clean up and beautification projects to visually enhance the area and improve the transition between commercial areas and residential areas.
  3. Improve the aesthetic appearance and create an atmosphere harmonious with pedestrian traffic to attract more customers from adjacent neighborhoods.
  4. Improve parking and loading areas for commercial establishments to attract more customers traveling the roadways where they are located and to improve the image of both our neighborhood and the County.
  5. Work with these businesses and merchants and with the County by providing recommendations concerning the future of these areas.
  6. Support projects and activities aimed at eliminating traffic congestion in these areas.
  7. Expand transportation options, such as mass transit.
  8. Reduce environmental and safety problems.
  9. Act to increase neighborhood youth employment and training.

We wish to explore the feasibility of the following recommendations with appropriate staff.


  1. Work with the management of the 7-Elevens and McDonald's to encourage them to clean up all litter around their stores
  2. Meet with the owners of Town Car Auto to encourage their efforts to beautify and landscape their property, especially to rebuild their trash enclosure, so they can get a three-year extension of their conditional use permit
  3. Pursue all possible measures to promote left turns at Columbia Pike and Glebe Road
  4. Work with the owners of Westmont Shopping Center to enclose the open utility area on Glebe Road west of Rite-Aid, to keep the alleyway clean at all times, to convert the small lawn southwest of the front of Rite-Aid into an exit from the parking lot, to encourage one-way traffic flow from westbound Columbia Pike into the parking lot in front of Papa John's, exiting either back onto Columbia Pike westbound or out the widened exit onto Glebe Road northbound. (The current traffic flow encourages traffic jams on southbound Glebe Road as cars attempt to turn left across traffic into the parking lot.) Also, encourage the owners to seek a parking arrangement with Nation's Bank across Glebe Road, to reduce congestion in the 100-space Westmont parking lot
  5. Work with the owners of the other businesses on Columbia Pike, especially Boston Market and Mrs. Chen's Kitchen, to keep their trash containers closed and to keep the alleyway clean at all times.
  6. Work with the property owners of the Mrs. Chen's Kitchen and Subway properties to fix up their parking areas
  7. Get the County to replace the leaking trash container in front of Subway
  8. Get the County to fulfill its long-standing funded commitment to improve the lights and streetscape at 9th Road and Garfield Street. Even though the mix of cinema, restaurants, and small stores is funky, it should not be yucky
  9. Work with County Code Enforcement staff to remedy all commercial code violations
  10. Create a plaza effect using benches, Carlyle-style lights, decorative pavers, pennants, signage, and trees, all the way from Westmont, past Thai Square and Mrs. Chen's Kitchen, to Venus Electronics
  11. Eliminate the bollards separating the two parking areas in front of La Paz Travel and Econopage on one side, and Pines of Naples, Panda Bowl, and Good For You on the other side, and level the two parking areas into one, allowing cars to enter from the east and exit to the west, ending the continual traffic jam in the two separate parking areas
  12. Eliminate the abutments separating the two parking areas in front of Mrs. Chen's Kitchen on one side, and Coco's on the other side, and level the two parking areas into one, allowing cars to enter from the east and exit to the west, ending the continual traffic jam in the two separate parking areas
  13. Construct a County-owned free or metered three-level parking ramp on the empty lot at the northwest corner of 9th Road and South Garfield Street, co-planar and connected to the existing underused parking ramp at the southeast corner of 9th Street and South Highland Street, creating one massive, easy-to-use parking area for all Columbia Pike businesses.
  14. Provide an eight-passenger van shuttle from the parking ramp to commercial stops along Columbia Pike, for those unable to walk
  15. Bury utility lines and improve road surfaces, curbs, gutters and sidewalks.
  16. Renovate old buildings
  17. Work with property managers and County Economic Development to eliminate vacancies, currently two storefronts in Westmont, the former Bendecidos location, and the large space next to Arlington Pediatric Center. A bookstore would be particularly nice in the latter space. Work with County Economic Development to fill the huge space that will become open in two years when Strayer moves to its new campus
  18. Meet with all business managers to encourage their participation in the neighborhood. In particular, meet with Strayer and Vector management to encourage their students' and employees' participation.
  19. Re-orient adjacent businesses so that they can take direct advantage of their proximity to newly created parking areas.
  20. Emphasize the strengths of Columbia Pike -- its vibrancy, its live music, its diversity, its self-sufficiency, its pedestrian convenience
  21. Work with the board and staff of Arlington-Fairfax Jewish Congregation to get them to complete work to improve drainage in their parking lot. Suggest that they purchase the poorly-maintained house on South Garfield Street
  22. Work with the staff of the Career Center, Library, Fenwick Center, and Patrick Henry Elementary School to devise creative programs and usage of the parking lot, e.g., a Sunday crafters' and re-sellers' market
  23. Work with the staff of Thomas Jefferson Middle School and Community Center to keep the grounds well-maintained and well-lit, and to expand programs involving the community

The Arlington Heights Civic association will distribute the Over the Fence newsletter and all other relevant materials to all businesses and institutions, to keep them informed and involved. It will promote civic association membership among the businesses and institutions. The Association will translate materials into Spanish and other languages as necessary.

Businesses in Arlington Heights as of August 1, 2001:

On or near South Walter Reed Drive:

701 South Highland Street

- Patrick Henry Elementary School (703-228-5820)

800 - Charles Fenwick Center (temporarily closed)

816 - Arlington Career Center (703-228-5740)

816 - Columbia Pike Library (703-228-5710)

900 - AT&T

922 - La Casona Family Restaurant (703-521-2173)

926 -

930 - Mancini de Paris Hair, Nails, and Skin Care (703-920-4699)

932 - Columbia Pike Artist Studio (703-486-9368)

932 - U.S. Tae Kwon Do College (703-521-8100)

On or near Route 50:

2920 Arlington Boulevard

- Arlington Fairfax Jewish Congregation (703-979-4466)

3501 2nd Street South

- Thomas Jefferson Community Center (703-228-5920)

- Thomas Jefferson Middle School (703-228-5900)

126 South Irving Street

- The Alternative for Parenting Teens Program (703-228-9440)

On or near Glebe Road:

201 - 7-Eleven Food Store & Gas Station (703-271-0646)

301 - Town Car Auto (703-920-7887)

325 - Dominion Arms Barbershop (703-486-9004)

333 - Dominion Arms Apartments (703-979-4500)

401 - Probol, Inc., Import Export (703-271-8888)

401 - A Phone Card for Everyone (703-920-0065)

403 - Doll and Bear Shoppe

405 - Arlington County Republican HQ (703-685-2488)

407 - Luna Hair Design (703-521-0601)

409 - Dr. Robert E. Holland, Chiropractor (703-979-3677)

411 - Dominion Dry Cleaners (703-892-0767)

413 - State Farm Insurance, Roy C. Whaley Jr. (703-920-5012)

415 - Internet & Information Solutions, Inc. (703-920-2004)

3411 5th Street South - Video Warehouse (703-521-6512)

At Westmont Shopping Center on Columbia Pike

3263 - Rite-Aid (703-920-4400, 703-920-4741 Pharmacy)

3259 - [_____]

3257 - Liya's Hair & Nail Salon (703-920-4638)

3255 - Mom's Pizza House & Restaurant (703-920-7789)

3253 - [_____]

3249 - Sports House Grill Restaurant (703-892-7040)

3245 - Mattress Discounters (703-685-0131)

3241 - Brenners Bakery of Arlington (703-920-6333)

3239 - Carquest Auto Parts (703-920-6050)

3235 - Dave's Seafood and Subs (703-553-4020/1)

3233 - Boston Market (703-685-7400)

3233A - Papa John's Pizza (703-271-8000)

On Columbia Pike:

3221 - Phnom-Penh Jeweler (703-892-1778)

3219 #B-2 - Sysnet (703-486-8846, 703-593-9437)

3219 #B-3 - Villeda Express International Courier (703-271-6190)

3219 #101 - Air World Travel (703-685-0315)

3219 #103 - Accfitax (703-979-1716)

3219 #200 - Adams & Reeves Realtors (703-920-3100) (inactive)

3219 #200 - First Columbia Corporation Insurance (703-920-3100)

3219 #201 - Tax & General Services (703-979-3700)

3219 #302 - ABC Driving School (703-685-2569)

3219 #303 - First Metropolitan Services

3219 #304 - CESR

3219 #400 - Metropolitan Financial Services (703-271-0715)

3219 #400 - Home Video Conference (703-979-6007)

3217 - Thai Square Restaurant (703-685-7040/7189)

3215 - Medical Building

3215 #100 - Beraca Services Envios de Encomiendas (703-486-8682)

3215 #101 - Palm Reader Advisor (703-553-4431)

3215 #103 - Siphath Chrea, M.D. (703-486-0716)

3215 #201 - American International Travel

3215 #202 - AA Grupo Resurrection

3215 #203 - Group Travel Services (703-486-1600)

3213 - Medical Building

3213 #102 - J. Peyton Brady DDS (703-920-5448)

3213 #202 - Ulrich B. Prinz MD (703-920-8820)

3211 - Hair Cuttery (703-486-9075)

3209 - Good For You Food To Go (703-642-0699)

3207 - Panda Bowl Chinese Restaurant Carry Out (703-271-9881/9882)

3205 - [_____]

3205 - La Paz Travel (703-271-4590)

3203 - Pines of Naples Ristorante Italiano (703-524-4969)

3201 - Eagle Production (703-979-1848)

3201 - ADP EconoPage (703-553-0103)

3111 - Coco's Grill & Restaurant (703-920-5450)

3101 - Mrs. Chen's Kitchen (703-920-3199)

901 South Highland Street - Vector Research (703-521-5300)

3045 - Strayer University * Arlington Campus (703-892-5100)

3045 - Subway Sandwiches & Salads (703-892-9191)

3045A - Arlington Pediatric Center (703-271-8800)

3045B - [_____] - for rent by Donohoe (202-333-0880)

3013 - McDonalds (703-920-0440)

3007 - El Puerto Seafood House (703-271-8100)

3005 - Abi's Azteca Grill (703-979-6456)

3003 - 7-Eleven Food Store (703-769-3760)

2927 - Bangkok 54 (703-521-4207)

2925 - D&L Cleaners (703-920-5434)

2921 - Oriental Chinese Restaurant (703-920-6161)

2919 - Arlington Resale Thrift Shoppe (703-486-2362)

2915 - Matuba Japanese Restaurant (703-521-2811)

2911 - Canton Gourmet Express Restaurant (703-920-2323)

2903 - Arlington Cinema 'n' Drafthouse (703-486-2345)

2901 - Venus Stereo & TV (703-685-5311)


Arlington Heights is aware that transportation proposals can directly affect the quality of life and the character of the community. This awareness has been acquired from the community's participation in the formulation of transportation proposals contained in the Columbia Pike revitalization plan. Heavy traffic and speeding on our local streets, with the resultant air and noise pollution and danger to pedestrians and neighborhood vehicles, are of major concern to our residents. Residents wish for streets, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and pedestrian lighting throughout the neighborhood. They also wish for improved maintenance of these facilities.

Residents would like to see a decrease in traffic through our neighborhood along Fillmore Street, 2nd Street, 7th Street, Irving Street and Highland Street. These five residential streets carry heavy traffic volumes through our neighborhood. These high traffic volumes combined with excessive speed are of major concern not only to the residents of the streets but to the whole neighborhood. This traffic represents a constant danger to children playing and walking to school, as well as to pedestrians. Of significance here is that all of this traffic is within three blocks of one or both of our schools and play areas- Patrick Henry Elementary School and Thomas Jefferson Junior High School and Community Center. Second Street South, 7th Street South, Walter Reed Drive, and portions of streets between 2nd Street South and Arlington Boulevard are all adversely impacted by traffic going to or from Arlington Boulevard. This traffic brings noise, pollution and safety hazards to local residents.

A large percentage of this traffic is generated either outside of Arlington Heights or outside of Arlington County. Automobile traffic entering Arlington Heights is expected to increase over the next ten years. As indicated above, Arlington County and Arlington Heights in particular are facing a serious problem: how to move this large volume of externally-generated traffic through the County and residential communities without destroying the quality of life of the people who live here. The recommendations made within this section of our plan are aimed at helping to alleviate this problem. Of course, they are biased toward preserving the quality of life for Arlington Heights' residents; however, they should not hinder the flow of traffic or adversely affect other communities.

Our neighborhood survey showed that the majority of respondents consider walkingas their secondary or tertiary mode of transportation. The automobile was primary, of course. In assessing the condition of our neighborhood streets, respondents were most negative regarding excessive speed and volume of traffic, due to inadequate controls, and the resultant noise, pollution and danger to pedestrians, particularly the school children.

Traffic and pedestrian safety, particularly the safety of the children attending our two neighborhood schools, continues to be a high priority issue. Speeding and increased traffic volume associated with cut-through and commercial traffic repeatedly threatens the safety of our neighborhood. Therefore, we support appropriate traffic-calming measures within Arlington Heights that will effectively reduce the hazards associated with these behaviors.

Transportation Goals:

  1. Route commuter traffic not having an origin or destination in Arlington Heights around the community via Arlington Boulevard, Glebe Road, Columbia Pike and Washington Boulevard.
  2. Discourage/minimize the use of neighborhood streets and secondary arterials as major thoroughfares.
  3. Eliminate existing safety hazards, such as speeding traffic on 2nd and 7th Streets South which endanger residents, pedestrians and school children.
  4. Eliminate street safety hazards that impact homes and traffic.
  5. Promote the use of alternative transportation modes as substitutes for the private automobile.


  1. Speed Limits. Vigorously and consistently enforce the speeding ordinances (limit 25 MPH unless otherwise posted) on all streets, especially in the immediate vicinity of our schools and play areas. Particularly in need of speed limit enforcement are: 2nd and 7th Streets, South and Highland Street and Walter Reed Drive.
  2. Flashing School Zone Signs. Install flashing school zone signs {for the time periods when the schools are beginning and ending) at all intersections in the vicinity of Patrick Henry Elementary School:
    1. Corner of South Irving and 7th Street, South eastbound
    2. Corner of Walter Reed Drive and 9th Street, South northbound
    3. Corner of South Garfield and 7th Street, South westbound
    4. Corner of Walter Reed Drive and 6th Street, South southbound
  3. Crosswalks. Crosswalk lines should be painted and "Pedestrian Crossing" signs installed at the following locations. Where sidewalks are not yet in place, the crosswalks and signs should be placed in conjunction with the sidewalks. Concurrence in these locations should be obtained from both the Police Department and school officials prior to construction to ensure that safe walking routes are maintained and clearly understood by school children.
    1. Across 6th Street, South at South Irving and Highland Streets
    2. Across 2nd Street, South at South Highland Street (west intersection)
    3. Across South Highland Street at 9th Street, South
    4. Across 7th Street, South at South Irving Street
  4. Fenwick Street (between 2nd Street South and Fillmore Street). This street is used as a short cut by both local and non-local traffic to avoid the light at 2nd Street, South and Fillmore Street. Speeding is an additional problem. South Fenwick Street residents and others in the immediate area (South Garfield, 2nd and 5th Streets) have opted for restrictive traffic signing and enforcement. This would prohibit right turns eastbound from 2nd Street, South and left turns northbound from South Fillmore Street during rush hours. The County should conduct a survey to help determine the appropriate hours for turning restrictions.
  5. 2nd Street (between South Glebe Road and Fillmore Street). Construct a series of nubs along 2nd Street at Old Glebe Road and on Highland and Garfield Streets. These would be designated to incorporate pedestrian crosswalks making 2nd Street safer for pedestrians going to and from the Thomas Jefferson Junior High School and Community Center.
  6. Ivy Street (between 7th and 9th Streets). A nub should be built at the intersection of 9th and Ivy Streets to prevent eastbound traffic on that portion of 9th Street which is one-way westbound.
  7. Irving Street (between 7th and 9th Streets). This curved street receives many speeding vehicles along with a lot of on-street parking by local office workers from the Highland Office Building and the nearby schools and public buildings.
    1. The civic association endorses the County's recommendation for the proposed channelization of 9th Street rather than vacation of 9th Street at South Highland Street. Our reason for endorsement is that we agree with County staff that the closing of 9th Street would make access for residents quite circuitous.
    2. The Association also endorses the County's proposed redesign/beautification of the traffic island at 9th and South Irving Streets.
    3. The Association endorses the installation of a "No Right Turn" sign on westbound 9th and a "No Left Turn" sign on southbound Irving. With respect to the turn restrictions, the County should survey the area to determine appropriate hours.
  8. 7th Street (between South Glebe Road and Walter Reed Drive).
    1. Construct a series of nubs between intersections; one should be designated to incorporate a pedestrian crosswalk making 7th Street safer for school children going to and from the Patrick Henry Elementary School. Install curb extending "nubs" at the Highland Street and 7th Street intersection to discourage speeding and make Highland Street safer for children going to and from Patrick Henry Elementary School.
    2. Install "No Right Turn on Red" sign for westbound 7th Street, South traffic at Glebe Road, in order to improve the ease and safety of entering and leaving driveways on Glebe Road north of the intersection.
  9. South Irving Street (between 6th and 7th Streets).
    1. The use of nubs at the 6th and 7th Street intersections is recommended. These nubs should also incorporate the sidewalk on the east side of the street.
    2. No sidewalk is recommended along the west side of the street.

Our pedestrian safety goal is to improve pedestrian safety in our neighborhood. In order to accomplish that goal, the Arlington Heights Civic Association requests the following changes and repairs to our sidewalks and crosswalks in addition to those listed above:

  1. Patrick Henry Elementary School / Career Center
    1. Exit from Career Center / Library on to S. Walter Reed Dr.
      • Add Stop Sign
      • Paint Stop Line
    2. Exit from Patrick Henry Elementary School to S. Walter Reed Dr.
      • Paint Stop Line
      • Add pedestrian crossing signs with arrows mid-block.
    3. Remove crosswalk to school from driveway of 800/804 Highland Street S.
    4. Paint "School Ahead or school zone" on pavement of Highland Street S. in the 600 and 800 block.
  2. Arlington Blvd Access Road at S. Fillmore St.
    • Paint Crosswalk on Access Road
  3. S. Fenwick St. and Arlington Blvd
    • Paint Stop Line on S. Fenwick St.
  4. S. Garfield St. and Arlington Blvd
    • Paint Crosswalk on S. Garfield St..
    • Paint Stop Line on S. Garfield St.
  5. S. Highland St. and Arlington Blvd
    • Replace Stop Sign on S. Highland St.
    • Paint Crosswalk on S. Highland St.
    • Paint Stop Line on S. Highland St.
  6. S. Hudson St. and Arlington Blvd
    • Paint Crosswalk on S. Hudson St.
  7. S. Irving St. and Arlington Blvd
    • Repaint Crosswalk on S. Irving St.
  8. S. Glebe Road Northbound and Ramp to Eastbound Arlington Blvd.
    • Paint Crosswalk
    • Add Pedestrian Crosswalk Sign
  9. Missing Link - sidewalk on west side of Old Glebe road between 2nd St. S. and Glebe road.
  10. 2nd St. S. and Old Glebe Road
    • Paint Zebra Line on Crosswalk (All four Crosswalks)
    • Paint Stop Lines on Old Glebe Road
  11. 2nd St. S. and Glebe Road (After the installation of new signal light)
    • Repaint Crosswalk (zebra)
    • Repaint Stop Lines
    • Recommend no turn on red at new stop light
  12. 1st Road S. and Glebe Rd
    • Paint Crosswalk
  13. 1st Road S. and Old Glebe
    • Paint Crosswalk on 1st Rd. S.
    • Paint Stop Line on 1st. Rd. S.
  14. S. Old Glebe Road and S. Glebe Rd.
    • Paint Crosswalk on S. Old Glebe Road
    • Paint Stop line on S. Old Glebe Road
  15. 2nd St. S. and S. Fillmore St.
    • Repaint all Crosswalks
  16. 2nd St. S. and S. Fenwick St.
    • Paint crosswalk on S. Fenwick St.
    • Paint Stop Line on S. Fenwick St.
  17. 2nd St. S. and S. Garfield St.
    • Paint Crosswalks on S. Garfield St.
    • Paint Stop Lines on S. Garfield St.
    • (This is required at both Garfield and 2nd intersections)
  18. 2nd St. S. and S. Highland St.
    • Paint crosswalks on S. Highland St.
    • Paint Stop Lines on S. Highland St.
    • (This is required at both Highland and 2nd intersections
  19. 2nd St. S. and S. Hudson St.
    • Paint Crosswalk on S. Hudson St.
    • Paint Stop Line on S. Hudson St.
  20. 2nd St. St. and S. Irving St.
    • Zebra Paint all crosswalks
    • Paint Stop Lines on Irving St.
  21. 2nd St. S. and S. Ivy St.
    • Paint Crosswalk on S. Ivy St.
    • Paint Stop Line on S. Ivy St.
  22. 2nd St. S. and S. Jackson St.
    • Paint crosswalk on S. Jackson St.
    • Paint Stop Line on S. Jackson St.
    • Paint Zebra lines on crosswalk on 2nd St. S. (School crossing)
  23. 3rd St. S. and S. Irving St.
    • Paint Crosswalk on 3rd St. S.
    • Paint Stop Line on 3rd St. S.
  24. 3rd St. S. and S. Ivy St.
    • Paint Crosswalk on 3rd St. S.
    • Paint Stop Line on 3rd St. S.
  25. 5th St. S. and S. Fillmore St
    • Paint Crosswalk on 5th St. S.
    • Repaint Crosswalk across Fillmore (Pedestrians cross here for the bus stop)
    • Paint Stop line on 5th St. S.
  26. 5th St. S. and Glebe Rd.
    • Paint Crosswalk on 5th St. S.
    • Paint Stop line on 5th St. S.
  27. 5th St. S. and S. Jackson St
    • Paint Crosswalks on S. Jackson St.
    • Paint Stop lines on S. Jackson St.
  28. 5th St. S. and S. Ivy St.
    • Paint Crosswalk on S. Ivy St.
    • Paint Stop Line on S. Ivy St.
  29. 5th St. S. and S. Irving St.
    • Paint Crosswalk on 5th St. S.
    • Paint Stop line on 5th St. S.
    • Straighten Stop Sign
  30. 6th St. S. and S. Fillmore St.
    • Paint Crosswalk on 6th St S.
    • Paint Stop Line on 6th St S.
  31. 6th St. S. and S. Highland St.
    • Paint Crosswalks on 6th St. S.
    • Add Stop lines for Stop signs on 6th St. S.
  32. 6th St. S. and S. Irving St. (after storm drain construction is complete)
    • Paint Crosswalk on S. Irving St.
    • Paint Stop Lines on S. Irving St.
  33. 6th St. S. and S. Jackson St. (after storm drain construction is complete)
    • Add Stop Sign on S. Jackson St.
    • Paint Crosswalk on S Jackson St.
    • Paint Stop Line on S. Jackson St.
  34. 6th St. S. and Glebe Road (after storm drain construction is complete)
    • Paint Crosswalk on 6th St. S.
    • Paint Stop Line on 6th St. S.
  35. 7th St. S. and S. Walter Reed Dr.
    • Zebra Paint Crosswalks
  36. 7th St. S. and S. Garfield St.
    • Paint Stop Line
  37. 7th St. S. and S. Glebe Road
    • Repaint Crosswalk on 7th St. S.
    • Repaint Stop Line on 7th St. S.
  38. 7th St. S. and S. Ivy St.
    • Paint Crosswalk on S. Ivy St.
    • Add Yield sign
    • Paint Yield Line
  39. 7th St. S. and S. Irving St.
    • Paint Crosswalks on S. Irving street
    • Paint stop lines on S. Irving Street
  40. 7th St. S. and S. Highland St.
    • Repaint Crosswalks with zebra striping (Box)
    • Add Stop Line for stop signs on S. Highland St.
  41. 8th St. S. and S. Walter Reed Dr.
    • Zebra Paint Crosswalk across Walter Reed Drive
  42. 9th St. S. & S. Highland St
    • Paint Crosswalk on 9th St. S.
    • Add Stop Lines on 9th St. S.
    • Curb cut is missing on at SouthEast corner of Highland and 9th St. S.
  43. 9th St. S. and S. Walter Reed
    • Paint Stop Line
    • Move Stop Sign closer to S. Walter Reed Dr.
    • Install yield sign for south bound traffic turning right (west) from Walter Reed on to 9th St.
  44. 9th St. S. and Glebe Road
    • Paint crosswalk on 9th St. S.
    • Paint stop line on 9th St. S.
  45. 9th St. S. and S. Ivy St.
    • Paint cross walk on S. Ivy St.
    • Paint Stop Line on S. Ivy St.
  46. 9th St. S. and S. Irving St.
    • Paint yield line on 9th St. S.
    • Paint Crosswalk on 9th St. S.
  47. S. Highland St. and Columbia Pike
    • Repaint crosswalk on S. Highland St.
    • Repaint Stop line on S. Highland St.
  48. S. Garfield St. and Columbia Pike
    • Paint Crosswalk on S. Garfield St.
    • Paint Stop Line on S. Garfield St.
  49. S. Garfield St. and S. Fenwick St.
    • Yield Signs

Pedestrian and Cycle Crossings

Residents of our community are interested in reducing the use of motor vehicles in our area because of the potential for improving our area's environmental quality and for reducing street noise and air pollution. Our recommendations are to take any actions necessary to ensure safety and ease of walking and cycling and to encourage the use of bicycles and walking to reach recreational, educational and commercial establishments within our community. We would also recommend that a second pedestrian and cycle overpass be built across Arlington Boulevard, just east of Fillmore Street. This overpass would be constructed when the signal is removed, as a part of the project along Arlington Boulevard in this area.

Alternative Transportation Modes

Promote and encourage the use of Metro Bus/Rail. Negotiate with the proper authorities to establish highly efficient Metro Bus/Rail services. Support the further development of Columbia Pike as a mass transit corridor (with a Walter Reed Drive spur) by considering the building of a Metrorail route there, or establishing by lanes/rights-of-way, or other means of improving the speed of transit trips. Promote and educate our community in the use of shared-ride taxi systems, airport limousine services, etc. Develop local programs to enhance the quality of transportation services (public and private) within the County/community.


The County should focus storm sewer and drainage issues to monitor and correct two primary problems throughout the neighborhood. First, proper drainage during heavy rainstorms, and second, minimizing stagnant water areas. The current project to install gutters and drain at the 6th Street and Irving intersection is behind schedule. Once completed this area will be monitored to ensure that the completed work not only corrects the problem at this intersection, but also provides proper drainage further along 6th street to Garfield, Highland, and Jackson Streets.

The service road between Irving Street and Hudson Street has several problems. The grassy area between this road and Route 50 contains a large storm sewer that frequently does not drain properly. A clogged line due to vegetation that is mowed but not cleared out may cause this. Improper grading could also cause it. The County should request that VDOT service this storm sewer and take corrective measures. The service road itself has two ACHA homes on it and currently has no curbs or gutters. As with the 100 block of Irving Street, during heavy rainstorms a large river flows and pools remain long after the rain stops. This road should be included in the Irving Street curb, gutter, and lighting project in the NCAC queue as poor drainage and stagnant water in this area are significant all year long.

Other problem areas are:

  1. South Garfield Street between 2nd Street, South and Arlington Boulevard.
  2. Walter Reed Drive at Fenwick Center and the Columbia Pike Library ("8th Street, South").
  3. The east sidewalk of Highland Street, especially beside the Career Center.


We assume the storm water drainage problem will be corrected by the County-proposed construction and improvement project for storm water drainage. We direct attention to the aforementioned problem areas for appraisal in this regard.


The results of our survey showed that a majority of our residents listed walking as their secondary or tertiary mode of transportation. (The automobile was primary, of course.) So it is not surprising that many complaints related to pedestrian safety. Many mentions were also made about safety of property and adequacy of police patrols. Adequate street lighting is an important factor in pedestrian safety and a proven deterrent to burglary and vandalism. For these reasons we consider improved pedestrian friendly street lighting an essential part of our neighborhood plan.

Overhead lighting designed to illuminate roadways for automobiles that have headlights is not adequate to illuminate roadways and sidewalks for pedestrians who do not have headlights. Because of the large trees that line our streets, it is advisable to have pedestrian friendly lighting illuminating the sidewalks and streets throughout Arlington Heights. In addition to using this style lighting for all areas which need additional lighting, we believe that it should be used to replace or augment the other less pedestrian friendly lights previously installed in the neighborhood.


Several parts of our neighborhood are missing curbs, gutters, and sidewalks. Homeowners on all of these blocks have petitioned for their installation. In addition, many of our curbs, gutters and sidewalks are in need of maintenance and repair. Some of our sidewalks are overgrown with weeds.


  1. Arlington County should install curb, gutters, and sidewalks throughout the neighborhood, as the residents have petitioned.
  2. The County should ensure that all sidewalks are accessible to people with special needs.
  3. The County should properly maintain the curbs, gutters, and sidewalks.
  4. Curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and pedestrian lighting should be installed on South Highland Street 2nd and 6th Streets immediately. This street provides a vital link in the sidewalk system between our homes, schools, and community services.


Police Protection

People in our area are concerned about personal safety and maintaining a good environment for raising children. Most of the concerns voiced by our residents are about gang activity, vandalism, graffiti, pedestrian safety, traffic control, speeding, parking, trash and litter.

Arlington Heights is in an active partnership with the police and school authorities to prevent gangs from establishing themselves in the neighborhood. This partnership requires that the residents be out of their homes and on the streets, interacting with each other and looking out for their common interests. Our pedestrian lighting, curb, gutter, and sidewalk initiatives are essential prerequisites to this strategy. We cannot preserve the neighborhood if this strategy fails.

Trash and Litter

Trash and litter are problems alongside Highway 50. The County should clean the litter up.

Litter is a problem throughout the County. The County should enforce the anti-littering laws.

Fire and Ambulance Service

We have excellent fire and rescue service in our neighborhood.


There are problems with animal care in our neighborhood. Some pet owners who walk their pets either allow them to run free or do not clean up after them. Owners who walk their pets should be made to clean up after them, and pets running loose should be put in the pound. Police and citizens should work together to devise a more effective means of dealing with the enforcement of pet ordinances.


We have three recreational open spaces in Arlington Heights, they are a mini-park at the intersection of South 9th Street and South Irving Avenue, the 3.5 acre playground at Patrick Henry Elementary School, and the 20.57 acre recreation area at Thomas Jefferson Middle School and Community Center. This means we have 8.6 acres of park space per thousand people compared to the National Park and Recreation Association recommendation of ten acres per thousand persons. However, most of this open space is school property, and therefore not available for use by non-students when it is being used by the schools. Most of the remaining time for the recreation facilities at the Thomas Jefferson complex is taken up by Countywide organized activities. There is limited space or time available for neighborhood and family activities for either adults or children.

There is no wooded recreation area within our community.

The neighborhood is park deficient.

Dog owners abuse both the Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson sites, and the fecal materials their pets leave behind pose a health threat to our children. These areas should be patrolled in order to stop this pollution of the public space by an irresponsible few. Dog owners allow their pets to run off leash at Thomas Jefferson, endangering other users of the facility.

We are concerned with parking problems at these facilities.


  1. Enforce pet control laws.
  2. Better publicize the programs available to the general public at these facilities. Our neighborhood survey indicated a large number of people do not use the County facilities because of lack of information concerning programs and activities.
  3. Many Arlington Heights residents are over 60 years of age. Programs/activities at the library, Fenwick Center and the Community Center aimed at this age group should be increased.
  4. The county owned lot on the corner of South Fenwick and Arlington Boulevard should be a small park, with proper landscaping and recreational amenities
  5. The Civic Association and the Arlington County Park and Recreation Commission should work together on a continuing basis to identify and develop further areas within our community for neighborhood park use.


There is plenty of beauty to be found in Arlington Heights. Many people take great pride in cultivating beautiful gardens and landscaping their gardens with imaginative designs. The neighborhood is filled with unique architecture and adorned with tasteful signs identifying its borders. Both private and public residents do their part to bring color and beauty to our neighborhood. There is always, however, room for improvement. And improvements are being made. Bricks and dumpsters can be found in front of residences during renovations. Neighbors are happy to be patient knowing that owners are working to maintain the beauty and charm of Arlington Heights. Residents of Arlington Heights should be reminded, however, that it only takes a quick lawn mowing to keep our neighborhood looking neat.


Litter remains a problem for Arlington Heights, especially along the border streets of Glebe Road, Arlington Boulevard, Fillmore/Walter Reed and Columbia Pike. Disposable containers, wrappers and newspapers seem to plague the curbs along these streets, especially near bus stops despite the nearby placement of garbage cans.


Both private and public residents are to blame for unsightly refuse marring the curbs of Arlington Heights.

Commercial Neighbors

While Arlington Heights welcomes the convenience associated with the products and services offered by our commercial neighbors, we feel compelled to remind them that their appearance is as important to them as it is to us. Rusting signs, peeling paint and littered parking lots all take away from the beauty of Arlington Heights.

Example 1: Peeling paint in alley on Columbia Pike

Example 2: Unkempt garbage dumpsters on Walter Reed

Example 3: Rusty sign at Coco's

Storefronts of many businesses are ripe for improvement and beautification. The architecture of Strayer University's building on Columbia Pike should be drastically improved and updated. A fresh coat of paint to the facades of stores facing Columbia Pike would do a world of good for the appearance of Arlington Heights.

Open Spaces

Recent events have reminded residents of the growing value of increasingly scarce open spaces. Arlington Heights residents treasure Thomas Jefferson Community Center and the recreational fields adjoining it. It is well groomed and maintained to make it one of the most coveted recreational areas in Arlington. Other spaces within Arlington Heights boundaries could use some work to live up to such standards.

The lot at Fenwick and Arlington Boulevard seems to serve no purpose. It should be made into small park, like Arlington Heights Park, at 9th and Ivy.

County Property

Various objects that are property of Arlington County litter the landscape in Arlington Heights. Two cylindrical objects sit randomly at the corner of Glebe Road and Columbia Pike. The electrical switch box at the same corner is an eyesore as it holds on precariously to the utility pole. A "Road Closed" sign with no apparent reason seems to take the place of a speed bump on 4th Road off of Glebe Road. Finally, the wooden bench at Glebe Road and Columbia Pike needs to be replaced or repaired and painted.