Advertise in Over the Fence

2024 Meeting Schedule

Normally meetings alternate between
Alice West Fleet Elementary Library
and the
Public Montessori School of Arlington Library.
Meetings start at 7:00 PM.

Please check the newsletter for details.

  • Businesses who are AHCA members get a $5.00 discount per advertising insertion in our quarterly newsletter Over the Fence.
  • Please send questions about advertising to Claudia Winkler

    Guaranteed Distribution: More than 1,000 households in Arlington Heights

    Publication Dates: Approximately January 31, April 30, July 31, October 31 each year

    Advertising Deadlines: December 23 (for Jan issue), March 23, June 23, and September 23

    To advertise with AHCA, please print this form, fill it out, and send it to:

    Matthew Ambrose
    Arlington Heights Civic Association
    PO Box 42923
    Arlington, VA 22204


    Matthew Ambrose
    218 S Jackson St
    Arlington, VA 22204

    Business Name __________________________________________________________

    Contact Name ___________________________________________________________

    Other Contact Name ______________________________________________________

    Other Contact Name ______________________________________________________

    Business Address _________________________________________________________

    City, State, ZIP   [_] Arlington, VA 22204 _____________________________________

    Business Phone _____________________________  Home Phone __________________

    Enclosed is    [__] $25.00 for this year's membership in AHCA

    [__] A check for $__________ for four advertisements in Over the Fence, our quarterly newsletter
           Please attach your camera-ready advertising copy, or send us an electronic version of the ad to Julian Pecquet

    [__] Please call me about adding an ad for my business to AHCA's website

    Advertising Rates for OVER THE FENCE

    [__] Business card (2" x 3.5") [__] 1 issue $40.00 [__] 4 issues $130.00
    [__] Quarter page (3.5" x 4" or 2" x 7") [__] 1 issue $75.00 [__] 4 issues $245.00
    [__] Half-Page (4" x 7") [__] 1 issue $130.00 [__] 4 issues $420.00
    [__] Full page [__] 1 issue $250.00 [__] 4 issues $800.00