There will be a special meeting of AHCA on Tuesday, February 8, to discuss neighborhood conservation design issues at Patrick Henry Elementary School.
On the agenda: proposed by-laws amendments
We welcome special presentations from:
- Arlington County Police - on neighborhood safety measures
- "Bike Arlington" - Who are they? (A terrific presentation for anyone who enjoys riding a bike in Arlington! Especially those who commute by bike.)
- In our "Meet The Neighbors" series we will hear from:
- P.Brennan's - with news about an upcoming AHCA promotion
- "3111 Club" - our newest business member
- P.Brennan's - with news about an upcoming AHCA promotion
We will also have information about our Annual Neighborhood BBQ on May 14, 2011; Neighborhood Conservation Updates; and more!
We thank Papa John's for once again providing a wonderful pizza dinner for our meeting!
If you haven't done so already, please don't forget to renew your membership at the meeting. Remember - we can't do all we do for our neighborhood without your support!
Thank you!
We look forward to seeing you on April 12.
Arlington Heights Civic Association