Meeting Minutes - Tuesday, April 22, 2003

2024 Meeting Schedule

Normally meetings alternate between
Alice West Fleet Elementary Library
and the
Public Montessori School of Arlington Library.
Meetings start at 7:00 PM.

Please check the newsletter for details.

Patrick Henry Elementary School, Arlington, VA


The meeting was called to order at 7:09 pm.


Joan Gill, Jim Gill, Carole Lieber, Joseph (Adam) Croswell, Betty Siegel, Jay Jacob Wind, Bob Dannemiller, Alyson Brody, Daniel Perch, Melanie Ciaschi, Greg Fried, John Morrill, Mary Hashemi, Bahar Hess, Regina and Ed McWethy, Matthew Morrissey, Honora Dewt, Barnie Hoffman, Martin Feldstein, Ted Black, Ingrid Morroy, Jerry Botland, David Sider, Elizabeth Hirko, Catherine Camp.


Officer Lt. Afzal and Officer Peart, Tim Lynch, Dr. Lisa Piehota, Kimberly Johnson-Smith.

President, Carole Lieber introduced herself and the first guest speaker, Police Lieutenant Cameron Afzal.

Lt. Afzal works in the 3rd district under Captain Dunne and is responsible for the area that includes Arlington Heights Civic Association. He addressed several issues:

  1. AHCA doesn't have many problems, all crimes have been down compared to last year except for auto larcenies and theft from autos. The hot cars to steal are '94- '97 Honda Accords and Toyota Camry's.
  2. Lt. Afzal discussed the recent residential burglary on Garfield Street. He noted that there had been other burglaries previously in the neighborhood but since apprehending a gentleman who had prior convictions, the burglaries have stopped.
  3. Muggings have gone up a bit along the Pike during the month of April, but not in the AHCA area. Lt. Afzal asks that if you see people you don't know sitting in a car or hanging around watching pedestrians. you might want to report them to the police who will check them out. He says to be cognizant of who lives in your neighborhood and call the NON-EMERGENCY police number, (703) 558-2222, if you see suspicious behavior.

Several residents asked Lt. Afzal questions:

Tim Lynch from CPRO was the second guest speaker and he mentioned an opportunity to nominate your favorite retailer for "Shop Arlington". More information can be found at, and he mentioned the 8th Annual Columbia Pike Blues Festival on May 4, noon to 6. Then he proceeded with a slide presentation on the Columbia Pike Form Based Code.

The plan was to use the Form Based Code to move from the 1950-1960's suburban strip mall look to a vital town center with retail, office, and residential use on a scale that the community was actively involved in envisioning.

The first project being developed using the code is a development behind Eckerd's Drugs and there are two more re-developments being put forth under the new code for Adams Square and the Safeway on Columbia Pike.

More information about the Form Based Code can be obtained from CPRO. Tim invites everyone to stop by the CPRO office at 2611 Columbia Pike or visit their website at:

The third guest to speak was Dr. Lisa Piehota, Principal of Patrick Henry Elementary School. She asked for input and neighbors who might be interested in participating in a research team as well as what desired outcomes the community might have on the Exemplary Project being offered and developed at Patrick Henry. An Exemplary Project is an innovative teaching model designed to increase student achievement. Anyone interested in more information should contact her.

The fourth guest speaker was Kimberly Johnson-Smith from the Arlington County Civic Federation on Emergency Preparedness and the Community Response Team (CERT). Neighborhood-based Community Emergency Response Training is being offered by the Fire Department. CERT training takes eight weeks, with six week nights and two Saturdays. For additional information or to sign up for training contact Kim Smith at:; or call 703-527-0294. Probably the next opportunity for AHCA neighbors to get training will be in November or December of 2003.

Presidents Report:

Carole had everyone go around the room and introduce themselves and made several announcements about upcoming activities such as the May 3rd Environmental Extravaganza at which the county will accept household hazardous waste.

She also asked for volunteers to help with AHCA's Neighborhood day float. There is a need for people to help assemble the float and then to ride on the float. Carole also said that the County will be handing out free trees again and neighbors interested in obtaining free trees should contact her as the county is coordinating this through the neigborhood civic associations this year.

In addition, there is a need for volunteers to staff a booth at the Blues Festival on May 4th. From 12 noon until 6 pm.

Secretaries Report:

Motion: To accept the January 23, 2003 minutes as written. Seconded, passed unanimously.

Treasurers Report:

Bob Dannemiller reported that there were a total of 47 members and just over $3000 in the AHCA bank account.

Committee Reports:

Civic Federation: Carole reported that the main issue has been the budget process and the hot topic has been the baseball stadium. Barcroft is having a meeting on May 1st at Barcroft House at 8:00 pm and will offer discussion on the pros and cons of a baseball stadium in Arlington County. The Civic Federation's position is against having a stadium in Arlington County.

NCAC: Betty reported that AHCA's priorities were submitted to the County per the vote that was taken at the January 2003 meeting. There was no need to re-vote on the priorities. AHCA's first priority project continues to be the installation of Carlyle type street lights on 2nd Street South between South Glebe Road and South Fillmore Street; on 1st Road South between South Glebe Road and Old Glebe Road; and on Old Glebe Road between 1st Road South and 2nd Street South.

Traffic Calming: David Sider reported that he was trying to get the County to put up signs closer to the new speed bumps on S. Highland. Other issues that came up were:

Motion: AHCA asks the County to pave Irving between Route 50 and 2nd Street, and Jackson between 5th and 6th, and to remove the prohibition on paving streets without curbs and gutters. 2nd, passed unanimously. AHCA will send a letter to the county making this request.

Garden Tour: Joan announced that the Garden tour would be given again on June 21st. It starts with Jim and Joan Gill hosting a breakfast early in the morning and then a stroll around the neighborhood to look at some really great gardens. Everyone should join in!

AHCA Signs: Joan Gill is sad to say that she can no longer maintain the 4 AHCA signs. Volunteers are needed to weed the area around the sign and put down mulch twice a year. The only sign that currently needs work is the one on Route 50, the sign on 2nd street, and 7th street are kindly maintained by the neighbors, and the one in the park has to wait until the county fills the hole. Joan will continue to do seasonal decorations on the signs.

AHCA Email List Policy: Jay mentioned that AHCA has the largest email listserve of all the civic associations with about 250 subscribers who are residents and the rest who are from neighboring associations. He presented new proposed rules for the AHCA list serve which are:

  1. Don't discuss confidential or legally sensitive matters on this list - this is a public forum.
  2. Do not forward private correspondence to the list without the express permission of the original author.
  3. Do not send graphics files or any other binary attachments to the list. It is easier on the mail server and the subscribers if you simply post a URL pointing to the file in question instead. This also helps prevent the spread of email worms and viruses.
  4. All new subscribers are automatically moderated, to prevent outsiders form abusing this list as a public announcement list. Any dangerous or threatening messages shall be reported to the appropriate authority (law enforcement,, etc.) and the subscriber responsible will be unsubscribed and banned.
  5. This is not a forum for personal attacks or flame wars. Sending threatening, harassing, or abusive messages from the list is not permitted. If a list member observes such conduct, they should contact a list administrator immediately.
  6. Any other message from an Arlington Heights neighbor will be approved, regardless of content. The moderator will use his or her judgment in removing automatic moderation status from new subscribers who are verified to be from Arlington Heights once they have posted a few times.
  7. Any other message from someone outside Arlington Heights will be approved if it pertains to Arlington Heights. All subscribers from outside Arlington Heights will be moderated.
  8. From time to time, the entire list may be moderated, at the sole discretion of the list moderator.
  9. The AHCA membership elects a Moderator. In the case of a vacancy in this office the AHCA President will act as Moderator until the President appoints a new Moderator, or an AHCA meeting occurs. AHCA will then elect a new Moderator at its next public meeting. The Moderator may delegate administrative tasks related to the office to one or more List Administrators.
  10. Subscribers violating these rules will be subject to discipline from the list administrators. This discipline may include moderation of comments, so that the list administrators must approve posts form the offender before they reach the list, or outright removal from the list for repeat offenders.

Motion: To adopt the proposed rules (above) in place of the old rules. 2nd, passed unanimously.

New Business

Fenwick Renovations:

These are proceeding.

Snow Plow Damage - anyone who has property damage because of the snow plows should go to thru the Risk Management Office.

Irving and 2nd Street - Carole wanted to bring to the attention of the neighborhood that the county is proposing tearing down the two houses on the corner, putting in temporary trailers, and eventually doing something else with the property, she is not sure if eventually there will be new buildings there. She suggested the County come and make a presentation to AHCA but they suggested they would prefer to notify homeowners in the immediate vicinity.

Motion: to ask the county to present their proposal to all of AHCA. 2nd, passed unanimously .

Park - There is still a huge ditch/hole at the park. Jim asked that a letter from AHCA be sent to the County asking why this hole has been allowed to remain for more than a year, especially since the neighborhood contributed money towards creating the park. The tone of the letter should be "clean it up, get it fixed and re-sod it," because we really aren't interested in excuses or explanations for why it hasn't been fixed but in getting it fixed. Carole will send a letter.

AHCA Next Quarterly Meeting

AHCA next meeting will be July 15th at 7:00 pm at Patrick Henry Elementary School.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:40 pm

Respectfully submitted, Betty Siegel, Secretary