Meeting Minutes - Tuesday, July 20, 2004

2024 Meeting Schedule

Normally meetings alternate between
Alice West Fleet Elementary Library
and the
Public Montessori School of Arlington Library.
Meetings start at 7:00 PM.

Please check the newsletter for details.

Quarterly Membership Meeting (7:00 pm)
Patrick Henry Elementary School


Attendees: Bob Dannemiller, Carole Lieber, Adam Croswell, Betty Siegel, Jim Gill, Paul Hashemi, Jay Jacob Wind, Greg Moshos, Jeff & Stephanie Chong, Norman Reich, Maureen Sullivan, Gordon Meuse, Bob Cowan (guest from Douglas Park),Sally Ferrett, Nursat Aygeu, Ella Nargele, Phyllis Regan

Guests: Congressman Jim Moran and with Mr. Moran were Bryan Spoon and Patrick Moran; and Commissioner of Revenue, the Honorable Ingrid Morry,

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm.

County Fair: Carole started the meeting by introducing representatives from the County Fair (names?)

To find out how to volunteer or to get more information about the Fair go to: or call (703) 920-4556, or email

Guest Speakers: Carole then introduced guest speaker Congressman Moran. She mentioned that she had seen his stance on the towing companies in the paper recently and he asked for support for the bill he has introduced to restore state and local regulating authority over towing companies. The issue is that the towing industry/lobby got wording into legislation that defines towing companies as interstate instead of intrastate which allows only the Federal Government to regulate the industry. Congressman Moran wants to redefine the industry as intrastate so that local and government authorities can regulate the industry. He needs additional congresspeople to sign on and support the bill.

He then discussed some issues in the Transportation Authorization bill including two new starts to support bus rapid transit or light rail up and down Columbia Pike and along the route 1 corridor. The Route 1 transportation option will serve the new facilities being planned on the North Track. He also addressed Route 66 and stated that as long as the state delegation opposes expansion there VDOT won’t force the issue. He has supported studies to look at what can be done to improve 66 but within the existing foot print. There is also a sum of around 600 million dollars being negotiated right now to possibly extend metro to Dulles, at least as far as Wheelie in Reston initially.

He also mentioned his efforts to acquire land along the Potomac in Rosslyn to build boathouse facilities for the High Schools in Arlington and to give Arlington citizens access to the waterfront. He is looking for the funding which will probably be a combination of federal and private dollars.

Congressman Moran then took a few questions and offered to come back any time to talk to the association. Carol thanked him and then introduced the next guest speaker, Ingrid Morroy.

Ms. Morry passed out a nice handout that defined some of her commitments and changes she has instituted. She made clear that as an elected official she reports directly to the County taxpayer. Her office is responsible for accessing car taxes and business taxes. She doesn’t handle real estate taxes. She has an open door policy with her staff and with county residents, is working to bring the office technologies up to date and making several other administrative changes to improve service.

She is most enthusiastic about opening a satellite office of the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles just across from her office on the second floor of the Courthouse at 2100 Clarendon. This office should be operational in November of this year, 2004. The satellite office will be able to handle car registrations, title changes, renewing licenses plates, getting copies of driving records, and just about anything else related to car registrations. It won’t be handling drivers licenses.

Another issue she plans to address is returning the issuance of tax relief for seniors to the Commissioners office. It was moved to the Department of Human Services (DHS) some years ago but Ms. Morroy feels it belongs in her office.

Ms Morroy responded to questions, one of which was how her office goes about handling people with out-of-state licenses (i.e. vehicles that are not registered in the county and should be). The car owners get two letters telling them that they must register within 60 days of moving the vehicle to the county and if they don’t respond to that then they are sent a summons. If they don’t register then they are subject to a $500 fine. There are some exception to the requirement to register and pay the county taxes on vehicles – for example, some military personnel just have to get a county sticker but won’t pay taxes if their actual permanent residence is in a different state. Individual moving to Arlington from another Virginia county must also register their vehicles with 60 days.

To reach Ms Morry call 703/228-3033.

Carol then introduced a representative from Congressman Moran’s office, Bryan Spoon who works with constituent services. He talked about the various workshops and local forums that the Congressman’s office hosts for his constituents and handed out a fact sheet on how the congressman’s’ office can assist people in dealing with Federal agencies, as well as a list of useful web addresses. To contact constituents services and Congressman Moran call (703) 971-4700.


There was no presidents report.


Motion: To waive the reading of the minutes. Seconded, and passed.


Bob Dannemiller reports that AHCA has a bank balance of $3005,and that there are currently 46 family members and 2 business members.


Civic Federation

Adam gave a brief report. The Federation has been looking at airport noise issues, and park issues and passed a pro-park resolution. There will be a Federation Delegates College on August 3 from 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm that is open to anyone who wishes to attend. This is an opportunity to learn about the civic associations, the federation and how the county works.

Adam also reported that AHCA will be co-sponsoring a booth at the Fair with the Civic Association and he is looking for volunteers.

Neighborhood Conservation (NCAC)

Betty reported that AHCA’s first priority project was not funded in the most recent funding round because it lacked sufficient points to be considered. AHCA currently has two projects which have been approved for funding but no action or ground has been broken on these. Betty thinks AHCA should start pushing to County to get these approved projects moving forward.

Carol asked Betty to address some of the issues that were raised at the last meeting regarding the first priority project. Betty said that S.Garfield is AHCA’s 1st priority project. The problem appears to be on the County’s end. Since the project was originally petitioned and submitted through the NCAC process the County has decided that it won’t build projects for streetlights without also building a sidewalk. The S. Garfield project doesn’t currently include a sidewalk. The NCAC county staff are eager to meet with the residents of S. Garfield to see if there is some resolution.

Betty also mentioned that the county is looking for input from neighborhoods regarding parking issues. She will send an announcement to the AHCA list serve regarding this issue for anyone who is interested.

The full list of current qualified AHCA NCAC projects in priority order is:

  1. Installation of curbs, gutters, and Carlyle type streetlights on South Garfield Street between Arlington Boulevard and 2nd Street South.
  2. Installation of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and Carlyle type streetlights on South Fenwick Street between Arlington Boulevard and 2nd Street South.
  3. Installation of curbs, gutters, and Carlyle type streetlights on South Irving Street between Arlington Boulevard and 2nd Street South.
  4. Installation of Carlyle type street lights on South Ivy Street between South 7th Street and South 9th Street, on South Highland Street between South 9th Street and Columbia Pike, and on South 9th Street between South Glebe Road and Walter Reed Drive.
  5. Installation of Carlyle type street lights on South Highland Street between South 7th Street and South 9th Street
  6. Installation of Carlyle type streetlights on South 5th Street between South Glebe Road and South Jackson Street.

Right now, projects are being funded about one project every two years.

Old Business


Carole is looking for a volunteer to take over distribution of the newsletter.

Activities Coming Up

July 24 – Summer Garden Tour. Joan Gill be hosting and coordinating the Garden Tour again this year.

New Business

Jay wind asked AHCA to think about endorsing the three County bonds coming up. Carol will put this issue on the next AHCA meeting agenda.

The issue of rats was raised. Apparently there have been sightings and the question is whether or not the County will come around and do anything about rats. More information about rats can be found at the County website, and the number to call for information on rodents is: 703-228-7RAT (703-228- 7728).

AHCA Next Quarterly Meeting

Date was not set.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:20 pm

Respectfully submitted,
Betty Siegel, Secretary