Meeting Minutes - Tuesday, October 18, 2005

2024 Meeting Schedule

Normally meetings alternate between
Alice West Fleet Elementary Library
and the
Public Montessori School of Arlington Library.
Meetings start at 7:00 PM.

Please check the newsletter for details.

Quarterly Membership Meeting (7:30 pm)
Patrick Henry Elementary School


Attendees: Greg Godbout, Cathy Camp, Anita Morgan, Lester Morgan, Kimberly Sumner, Ron Peterson, Jim Gill, Joan Gill, Maureen Sullivan, M. Loughney, David Drorznak, Katrina Drorznak, Jay Wind, Adam Croswell, Martin Chadzynski, and Bob Dannemiller.

Guests: Michael Leventhal, Arlington County Historic Preservation Coordinator, and James Hamre, Arlington Transit.

Order of business:

  1. The meeting was called to order at 7:36 PM.
  2. Jim Gill volunteered to take notes.
  3. Guests were introduced.
  4. Michael Leventhal explained the Arlington County Historic Preservation Program and announced that the County has already completed a survey of Arlington Heights to find buildings 50 years old or older. He also stated that the County has hired an architectural firm for follow-on work to define historical districts within Arlington Heights. After this follow-on work is completed, the County will contact the owners of qualifying property by mail to see if they wish to have their property included in a historical district. The letters to the property owners will give the advantages and disadvantages of listing. Mr. Leventhal explained that if a majority of property owners in a proposed historic district agree to be listed, all property on the interior of the district would be listed in the district. He stated that if the owner of a property on the edge of such a district wished to be excluded, it might be possible to redraw the district to accommodate the owner’s wish.

    Mr. Leventhal explained that reinvestment in property listed in historical districts may qualify for State tax credits. He also explained that the County is sponsoring this program because it hopes that it will help control development, constrain the construction of upgraded infill housing, and slow the rise of property values so that more Arlington County housing stock remains affordable. In response to questions, he acknowledged that property owners relying on the increased equity in their homes to finance other aspects of their lives should consider whether or not this program is in their best interests.

    Mr. Leventhal can be reached at 703-228-3813.

  5. Jim Hamre discussed the proposal to eliminate the ART-73 bus route that serves Arlington Heights because it serves few riders. He explained that the County is redirecting the ART-73 resources to other routes that have higher demand.

    Mr. Hamre also reviewed County plans to upgrade bus stops and to make other technological improvements to the bus service on Columbia Pike. Part of this plan is to create superstops on Columbia Pike. The County will hold public meetings to discuss the locations for the superstops.

    Mr. Hamre also explained that METRO is adding cars to both the Blue and Orange lines.

    Mr. Hamre can be reached at 703-228-3698.

  6. Treasurer’ report. The Association has 52 active family memberships and 1 active business membership. It has $3,051.48 in the bank.
  7. Adam Croswell made the following announcements:
    1. The block party will be held this Saturday. The rain day is this Sunday. People should bring their own lawn chairs. Paper products will be provided. The cost is $5.00 per address for people attending. Volunteers to collect the money are needed.
    2. Betty Siegel has resigned as NCAC representative for personal reasons. The Association is looking for someone to take over this role.
    3. Thanks to Cathy Camp for putting together a Small Parks grant request for South Irving between South 2nd Street and Arlington Boulevard.
  8. Jay Wind moved that the Association send a letter to the Parks Commission enthusiastically endorsing the Small Parks grant application. Cathy Camp seconded the motion. It passed unanimously.
  9. Kimberly Sumner advised the Association that the County is still working on the case where one of the property owners in our neighborhood “annexed” the sidewalk that borders his property. The County’s goal is to have the sidewalk unimpeded within 30 days.
  10. The Association needs a volunteer for the Pedestrian Safety Committee. The County has not responded adequately to our request for specific pedestrian safety improvements. Someone needs to go through our list and recommend what the Association should do to energize the County to make an adequate response.
  11. The lot coverage issue has not gone away. The County Board will consider the issue in November. Property owners and residents are advised to stay engaged.
  12. Mr. Wind reminded the Association that about 2 years ago it asked the County to install a 4-way stop at South 6th Street and South Highland Avenue. Nothing has been done. Mr. Croswell said that he would follow-up.
  13. The DRAFT minutes of the July 19, 2005 meeting were reviewed and the spelling of Maureen Sullivan and Sue Grabowski’s names was corrected. With these changes, Ms. Sumner moved that they be approved. Martin Chadzynski seconded the motion. It passed unanimously.
  14. Neighborhood Conservation Advisory Committee Report.
    1. Mr. Wind moved and Ms. Sumner seconded a motion that the Association should submit the following priorities to the Neighborhood Conservation Advisory Committee.
      1. Installation of curbs, gutters, and Carlyle type streetlights on South Garfield Street between Arlington Boulevard and 2nd Street South.
      2. Installation of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and Carlyle type streetlights on South Fenwick Street between Arlington Boulevard and Second Street South.
      3. Installation of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and Carlyle type streetlights on South Irving Street between Arlington Boulevard and Second Street South.
      4. Installation of Carlyle type streetlights on South Ivy Street between South 7th Street and South 9th Street, on South Highland Street between South 9th Street and Columbia Pike, and on South 9th Street between South Glebe Road and Walter Reed Drive.
      5. Installation of Carlyle type streetlights on South Highland Street between South 7th Street and South 9th Street.
      6. Installation of Carlyle type streetlights on South 5th Street between South Glebe Road and South Jackson Street.
    The motion passed unanimously.
  15. Civic Federation Report. Ms. Camp reported that the Civic Federation rejected all three proposals to change allowable lot coverage in Arlington County and recommended to the County Board that it not change the lot coverage allowances. She also reported that the Federation recommended that the County Board vote to grandfather existing structures so that they can be rebuilt on the current footprint, even if they do not conform to existing guidelines. She cautioned that the County Board does not always follow Civic Federation guidelines, and she advised people who care strongly about these issues to contact the County Board.
  16. New Business.
    1. Mr. Chadzynski moved and Mr. Wind seconded that the Association should keep the same dues for next year. The motion passed unanimously.
    2. The Association will elect officers for 2006 at its January 2006 meeting. Mr. Croswell accepted Mr. Wind’s offer to head the nominating committee.
    3. Mr. Croswell will send out an e-mail announcing Christmas caroling and the judging of house decorations for the holidays.
  17. Greg Godbout, the new owner of the Arlington Drafthouse Cinema, discussed his plans for the business. His intention is to increase the diversity of the entertainments hosted there. He is exploring smoke free evenings, family events, and live entertainment, as well as continuing the traditional entertainment offered there. The facility can also host private meetings and plays.

    He stated that information about the Drafthouse can be found at

    The Association welcomed him to the neighborhood.

  18. The meeting adjourned at 9:35 PM.