Meeting Minutes - Tuesday, July 18, 2006

2024 Meeting Schedule

Normally meetings alternate between
Alice West Fleet Elementary Library
and the
Public Montessori School of Arlington Library.
Meetings start at 7:00 PM.

Please check the newsletter for details.

The meeting was called to order at 7:39 p.m. Introductions were made and Jay Wind was thanked for organizing our meeting at the Ethiopian Community Development Council (ECDC )location due to the closure of Patrick Henry ES for the summer.


Carole Liber, Kimberly Sumner, Norman Reich, Ethan Taylor, Tony Halloin, Jackie Abraws, Lynde Slye, Aleida Rios, Cathy Camp, Maureen Sullivan, Betty Siegel, Tsehaye Teferra, Wilfredo Calderon, Ryan Fountain, David Sider

The meeting began with an overview of the upcoming Arlington Fair, Shawn Kelly is Chair this year. Fair issues, including trash issues, were discussed as was police visibility. Ten extra officers will be at the fair to alleviate problems and limit spill over into the neighborhoods. There was discussion about plans that had been mentioned to open the fair on Wednesday, that will not happen this year but will be discussed for next year. The county is working on new routes, buses won’t go up 4th, will stay on Walter Reed and make a right on Hudson, making a loop. Neighbors expressed concerns about the route and there was much discussion about where the routes should be. Betty Spiegel suggested paving Irving and using that street rather than Hudson, there were also questions about how many buses, goal was to have buses at 20 minute intervals, Tuesday through Friday 4-11, Sat 9-10 and Sunday 10-11. Neighbors also raised questions about groups being included or excluded from participation at the fair. It was explained that priority was given to Arlington based businesses. Specific discussion was about a group, parents and friends of Ex-gays and concerns about their activities, the fair members indicated they could not discriminate against any groups. Further discussion on the fair included information about juries for arts and craft, outdoor entertainment with varied music nightly, and expanded family and children activities from 7-10 with outdoor activities. Contact information was provided for Denise Roller should anyone have additional questions. The fair poster was not ready yet.

Minutes of the April meeting were reviewed and approved.

Martin Chadzynski was not available to present plans on the proposed Penrose Square project that were to have gone before the county board in line with the form based code, the plans had been withdrawn and a new site plan will be developed and provided. There was controversy with current form based code regarding ceiling heights and space issues.

Dave Sider moved to have AHCA have more meeting, there was no second. Adam Croswell pointed out that almost every night there is a meeting on various issues impacting the neighborhoods so additional AHCA meeting would be problematic. Dave Sider expressed concern about not otherwise knowing what was going on with various issues and it was pointed out that info is relayed via the list serve, on the county website, at the library, through the Sun Gazette and through other media and newspapers. It was mentioned AHCA has 825 households and the list serve has 500 members.

Tony reported as the NCAC alternate rep. There is a backlog on funding, we are not at the top of the list and we need to update our neighborhood plan to get more points. The S Garfield project is in the queue for sidewalks, gutter, Carlyle lights.

Some concerns were expressed about sewers backing up during emergency relief due to the recent floods. It was mentioned that federal disaster allows the government to reimburse the county for extra personnel, for individuals insurance must first be exhausted.

Motion was made that Dave Sider was appointed to call the county to find out county liability with flooding and sewage backup, motion carried.

Jay Wind provided the ACCF report. Elections were held in June, Larry Mayer was elected president, Frances Finta VP, Tim Wise Secretary. The Sept meeting will be the annual candidates meeting, on Sept 5. The October meeting will be general interest topics on the ballot.

The Columbia Pike Implementation Team is looking for a new chair, it has not met in 3-4 months, it is looking at new streetscape designs and travel lanes on Glebe and Columbia Pike.

Cathy Camp reported on the Washington Blvd/Columbia Pike bridge project; there were problems with the first blue print so the blue prints had to be redone. The new structure will have a concrete look, they will not go back to stone. Timeframe for completion of the project is unknown. The project will have two major improvements – the exit ramp will have one extra exit going North/South on Columbia Pike (short weave area will remain) and it will be widened to include bike paths.

Old Business:

There was discussion on some promises the county had previously made concerning the Fenwick Center, including meeting space availability and a mural. The new center has a very small meeting space that can only accommodate about 25 so it is too small to use for our meetings. Adam will follow up with Amy Vennett on the status of the mural.

Cathy Camp mentioned a landscaping project behind TJ, Patick Wiggin, the county landscaper, will meet with the planner in October. There is also a tree initiative in Arlington, so Cathy advised we have more trees on the site, the landscaper suggested more ornamental trees such as dogwood and red bud. Cathy suggested we put together a list of places we may want more trees, perhaps around Patrick Henry ES, Cathy volunteered to take the lead on the list. It was mentioned we cannot plant on federal land, such as route 50.

Dave Sider moved to hold AHCA meetings every two months vice quarterly, motion failed.

It was mentioned that Verizon was laying cable for faster cable service.

Representatives of Arlington Police answered questions and there was some discussion about a hostage situation at S 6th and Ivy.

Adam mentioned he owed a letter for a four way stop sign. There was some discussion over concerns about traffic lights and timing. Dave Sider was concerned that the signals cycled every 90 seconds.

Adam Croswell thanked the ECDC for their hospitality. Meeting was adjourned at 9:26 p.m., next meeting will be October 17.