Meeting Minutes - Tuesday, January 15, 2008

2024 Meeting Schedule

Normally meetings alternate between
Alice West Fleet Elementary Library
and the
Public Montessori School of Arlington Library.
Meetings start at 7:00 PM.

Please check the newsletter for details.


The meeting was called to order by outgoing President, Jim Gill.

In attendance were: Chona Bravante/ECDC, Richard Bullington-McGuire, Cathy Camp, Martin Chadzynski, Maureen Critchfield, Adam Croswell, Patty DeLoatche, Jim Gill, Joan Gill, Juliet Hiznay, Cathy O'Malley, Mike Sobola, Dr. Tsehaye Teferra/ECDC, Jason Torchinsky, Jay Jacob Wind, Tony Halloin, Gordon Mense, Lynn Kristianson.


Minutes from the October meeting were not available; the Secretary was not present. Approval of minutes will be deferred until our April meeting.

7:03 Jason Torchinsky gave the Treasurer’s report.

He mentioned that we had roughly 50 active members and around $4500 in the bank, with $2000 committed as matching funds for the 2008 Park Enhancement Grant application.


Jim Gill gave his outgoing President’s remarks and presented two service awards for extraordinary volunteer efforts to Cathy Camp and Jay Vennett.


Jim Gill opened up nominations to the floor. After consult with the nominating committee, the following nominations were put forward: Juliet Hiznay for President, Richard Bullington-McGuire for second VP, Jason Torchinsky for Treasurer and Mike Sobola for Secretary. No candidates had any remarks worth noting and they were all voted in unanimously. The position of First VP was not filled and will be voted on at the next meeting.

7:20 Juliet Hiznay gave an address as the new President.


Dr. Tsehaye Teferra and Chona Bravante from the Ethopian Community Development Council (ECDC) gave presentations on their group. Highlights: ECDC 25th anniversary celebration will be on May 6, 2008. They currently have 25 sites nationally. Their biggest program is the Micro Enterprise Program, or “Small Business Incubator” which helps fund loans up to $50K to start, sustain or expand a business. The purpose is to support entrepreneurs and self-starters who do not yet qualify for competitive consumer financing and commercial bank loans. Their offices, located at 901 South Highland provides very competitive and sizeable office space to small businesses looking to expand from their basements or cramped offices. More information can be found on their web site at


Tony Halloin reported that the “Missing Links” sidewalk project has a backlog of funds that needs to be distributed. To help move projects along, restrictions have been eased slightly on the requirements of missing links improvements. Instead of all affected homeowners having to sign off on the county installation of sidewalks in front of their homes, the county would now give homeowner association presidents the right to sign off on projects where homeowners objected. Juliet mentioned that the NCAC wanted civic associations to take a position on this. Discussion ensued.

Cathy Camp moved that “AHCA seek approval of affected homeowners on any missing links projects before moving forward with such a project.” The motion was seconded by Jason Torchinski. After some discussion, the motion was voted on and defeated. (No vote number recorded).

Tony Halloin moved that “AHCA seek approval of affected homeowners on any missing links projects that AHCA has identified as important. AHCA should notify said homeowners of the new policy and that AHCA is permitted to approve the project over homeowner’s objection and move ahead with the missing link in accordance with the NCAC new policy.” The motion was seconded, voted on and passed. (No vote number recorded).

Juliet Hiznay mentioned that there is a potential missing links project on Second St. S. at the new park(NW Corner of 2nd and Irving) – which would replace the curb cut with sidewalk, curb, and gutter. A move was put forward that “AHCA approach the neighbors affected by the “Missing Links” project in the 100 block of South Irving be informed of the policy change. If they still object, AHCA should tell the county to move forward with the Missing Links project without further vote by the AHCA membership.” Motion was seconded, voted on, and approved. (No vote number recorded).


Someone moved that “AHCA table all Missing Links projects lacking full neighbor approval until the April AHCA meeting.” Motion was seconded, voted on, and approved.


The Garfield Street project was approved. The concept plan drawing was posted for everyone to review.

A move was put forward that “AHCA approve the NCAC priorities in the order that they now exist” (1-Fenwick Street: Sidewalk, Curbs Gutters & Lights; Irving Street: Sidewalks, Curbs, Gutters & Lights; South Ivy Street/7th & 9th Street South: Gutters, Sidewalks & Lamps only). Motion was seconded, voted on and approved. (No vote number recorded).

Jay Wind noted that the design of the 000-200 South Fenwick Street sidewalk will nub out into the street in front of Dr. Selman’s house to protect his garden and tree.

8:20 Jim Gill Reported on the Points Committee.


Cathy Camp, Fair Board Representative mentioned that AHCA has a seat on the board, paid up for $35 per yr. It allows us to have a voice on the traffic, dust, trash and noise and to help mitigate problems. Cathy offered to continue unless someone else is interested (nobody at the meeting volunteered). Cathy Camp moved that “AHCA move forward with the partnership with Merrifield again this year and use funds raised to improve the park at TJ”. Motion was seconded, voted on, and passed. (No vote number recorded).

Cathy Camp moved that “AHCA work with other civic associations to persuade the fair board to pursue fundraising for local civic associations in the neighborhoods where the fair is held”. Discussion ensued. Motion was subsequently withdrawn. Instead, Jay Wind agreed to work within the Parks and Recreation Committee of the Civic Federation to bring a resolution to the Civic Federation on this issue. Cathy Camp will work with Jay on wording of the resolution. Juliet Hiznay will draft a letter for AHCA in support of this resolution. Discussion took place on the matter of permanent restroom facilities outside TJ. Juliet Hiznay will draft a letter stating AHCA’s support for this. Cathy Camp will ask Fair Board to do the same. All letters will go to the county with copies to the Fair Board and AHCA.


Juliet Hiznay reported on the meeting held with county staff at TJ regarding the plan to rehabilitate the pedestrian bridge. Work is contracted to start on or about April 12, 2008 and last for 3 months. County staff is working on a transportation plan in progress by county staff. Due to the dangers of the Irving St. intersection with Arlington Blvd., crossing guards are considered inadequate, and a bussing plan is being contemplated. The county staff goal is to have the bridge completed by August in time for the Fair.


Jay Wind reported that the Civic Federation passed a resolution opposing the new storm water tax recently passed after midnight in a recent County Board meeting. The Civic Federation tabled a vote on supporting or opposing the Accessory Dwelling Unit proposals before the County Board so that internal discussion could be conducted. There was a discussion about whether to take a position on the Accessory Dwelling Unit Proposal, which could increase density in the neighborhood. Martin Chadzynski moved that “Any consideration by the County Board on Accessory Dwelling Units should also consider the implications of hiring additional inspectors and funding for additional inspections to ensure that Accessory Dwelling Units are and remain within code on a continuing basis.” Motion was seconded, voted on and passed. (No vote number recorded).


The School Board selected Wakefield as the next priority capital improvement. TJ and the Career Center have been put off until a subsequent round. Juliet Hiznay mentioned the Superintendent’s proposal to include the continuing education program currently housed at Arlington Mill at the Career Center, which would require construction. She expressed concern that this could result in ad hoc improvements at the Career Center rather than a comprehensive plan for the facility.


Juliet Hiznay re-appointed all existing AHCA representatives to the Civic Federation and the Neighborhood Conservation Advisory Committee. These are: NCAC Delegate Juliet Hiznay, NCAC Alternates Richard Bullington-McGuire and Tony Halloin; Civic Federation Delegates:   Adam Croswell, Jay Wind, Carole Lieber, Richard Bolczak and Alternates:   Jim Gill, Richard Bolczak, and Bob Dannemiller.   One Alternate seat is vacant and will be filled in due course.



Arlington Heights Park

Lynn Christiansen proposes making improvements at Arlington Heights Park (Irving and 9th Streets). Juliet Hiznay mentioned that there is a drainage issue, which might need to be resolved before plantings can be made. Lynn Christensen volunteered to act as AHCA liaison with neighbors in the area and to work with Patrick Wegeng on any proposed plantings.

9:22 Meeting adjourned.