Meeting Minutes - Tuesday, April 15, 2008

2024 Meeting Schedule

Normally meetings alternate between
Alice West Fleet Elementary Library
and the
Public Montessori School of Arlington Library.
Meetings start at 7:00 PM.

Please check the newsletter for details.

7:07 The meeting was called to order by Juliet Hiznay

In attendance: Juliet Hiznay, Richard Bullington-McGuire, Mike Sobola, Jason Torchinsky, Cathy Camp, Scott Perry, Jim Gill, Janet Lenhardt, Britta Forahat, Liz Fried, David (2nd and Jackson), Martin Chadzynski, Grag Godbout, Kit Britton (Citizens Advisory Commission), Jay Jacob Wind, Sara Snow.


Richard Bullington-McGuire moved to “Approve last meeting’s minutes” and Jason Torchinsky seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

7:03 Jason Torchinsky gave the Treasurer’s report and membership update.

6 business members.

7:15 Executive Committee Recommendations

Patrick Henry Elementary School “Henry Challenge”

Mike Sobola explained that the PHES “Henry Challenge” was a yearly event that included a 3K race among students, parents and others. It starts and ends at the school where other fun health-related activities are then held. Its purpose is to promote fitness. Mike asked that AHCA donate $50 to the event and in exchange, the association would get its name on the race T-Shirt, plus a mention on signage around the event and a post-race DVD of the event. Jason Torchinsky moved “That AHCA donate $50 to PHES to support the Henry Challenge”. Richard Bullington-McGuire moved to “Amend the move by making the donation $100 instead of $50”. Jason accepted amendment. Cathy Camp seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

Proposed incorporation of AHCA as VA nonstick corp.

Discussion from Richard Bullington-McGuire asking is this a change of bylaws?

Jason/Juliet: No change to bylaws.

Martin Chains asked what is driving the change?

Juliet explained that is was an attempt at insulating membership and board from lawsuits.

Discussion: What’s the difference between Homeowners Association and Civic Association such as AHCA?

Generally, Homeowners Assoc. has more power to regulate neighborhood etc. Civic Assoc. cannot.

Juliet Hiznay moved and Cathy Camp seconded that “AHCA incorporate as a non stock entity”.

The motion passed unanimously.

7:22 Proposed Street Sign Changes

The following changes have been suggested by AHCA residents (as read by Juliet Hiznay):

  1.   Two signs, one at corner of 2nd St South and S. Garfield and the other at 5th St South and S. Fillmore.  The signs intent is to prevent Fenwick Street being used as a cut through during rush hour but the time turns are prohibited is the opposite of the intent.  The 2nd street sign should be for evening traffic not morning and the Fillmore Street sign should be for morning not evening.   
  2. Add signs on S. Irving St. between Arlington Blvd and 2nd St. South -- children playing signs/pedestrian crossing signs.  
  3. Add signs on S. Hudson St. between Arlington Blvd. and 2nd St. South -- children playing signs.  
  4. The signs that direct south-bound traffic on Glebe Road onto US Route 50 (Arlington Boulevard) are confusing and they create a safety hazard.  
  5. Add stop sign on east side of access road along Arlington Blvd. at S. Hudson St.  
  6. Many people who are south-bound on Glebe Road and who wish to go East-bound on Route 50 stay in the left-hand lane on Glebe Road, expecting that they will have to make a left-hand turn from Glebe onto Arlington Boulevard.  It is not until they pass the exit from south- bound Glebe Road onto East-bound Route 50 (a right turn) that they realize they have missed their exit.  What many people then do is turn left onto the 3600 block of South 1st Road.  This one-block long street is one-way from Glebe Road to Old Glebe Road, and the houses on the north side of this block have driveways.  People who have missed their turn onto Route 50, after they turn onto South 1st Road, pull into a driveway, and proceed  — going the wrong way on South 1st Road —  back to Glebe Road.   
  7. Ugly sign -- in the middle of the park on 9th and S. Irving Sts.  It used to be big, ugly and brown, and now it's been replaced with one that is big, ugly and glaring while.  A nice Neighborhood Conservation sign is already there.  If there must be a park sign, replace it with something smaller and esthetically pleasing.

Jason Torchinsky also suggested adding a stop on 7th & Irving and 2nd and Irving on Second.

Richard Bullington-McGuire moved and Mike Sobola seconded that “We postpone consideration of additional recommendations not currently on the list to future meetings”. The motion passed unanimously.

Richard Bullington-McGuire moved that we “Approve the recommendations on the street sign changes as previously read in this meeting by the president” (listed above). Juliet Hiznay seconded. Amended motion unanimously passed.


Juliet briefed the meeting on the background of missing links project and the Executive Committee’s recommendations on the topic.

Juliet read the policy from the Executive Committee:

Any sidewalk completion project proposed under the county’s missing links program can be submitted by the President of the Civic Association if all homeowners whose property abuts the location of the project are given notice and do not object to the project.

If a homeowner whose property abuts the location of the proposed project does object to the proposed Missing Links project, the Civic Association may still approve the submission of the project by majority vote if the objecting homeowner is provided advance written notice that the project will be on the Civic Association agenda for a vote.

Exec committee feels it is a good compromise for the neighborhood and the homeowner. Point of policy is to narrow the civic assoc’s power to override the homeowner (as it now exists in the county’s view). Richard Bullington-McGuire moved to approve as written. Jay Wind seconded.

Richard suggested that those in opposition suggest amendments to the move.

Sara Snow motioned to amend Richard’s motion to read: “All affected homeowners must agree to a missing links project with no response taken as a “yes” vote on the issue.” (second was not recorded).

President calls question
10 in favor of stopping discussion.
No against.

All in favor of amended motion (“All affected homeowners must agree to a missing links project with no response taken as a “yes” vote on the issue”)
1 in favor
11 opposed.
Motion Fails

Britta Forahat moved that “A majority of the affected parties (those whose properties abut any missing links project in question) would need to vote to approve any missing links projects before the AHCA could tell the county to move forward on the project.”
5 in favor
6 opposed
Motion Fails

Jay Wind moved to amend the main motion to include “by a three- quarter vote” (2nd paragraph) rather than “a majority” of members to approve.
Richard seconded.
8 in favor
4 opposed
Motion passed.

Jay Wind moved to call the question on the main motion. Juliet seconded.
11 in favor
1 opposed
Motion passed with the following wording:

Any sidewalk completion project proposed under the county’s missing links program can be submitted by the President of the Civic Association if all homeowners whose property abuts the location of the project are given notice and do not object to the project.

If a homeowner whose property abuts the location of the proposed project does object to the proposed Missing Links project, the Civic Association may still approve the submission of the project by a three quarter vote if the objecting homeowner is provided advance written notice that the project will be on the Civic Association agenda for a vote.

8:04 County Fair

Scott Perry-New chairman of Arlington County Fair spoke to the group.

Cathy Camp mentioned that a list of neighborhood concerns was being discussed with the Fair Board. Among them were: noise, traffic, dirt and dust control. In addition, AHCA membership wants wrist bands for all-day riding for one fee to cut down on cost for attendees.

Cathy will work with the fair board to explore the possibility of putting in some other surface on the TJ Lower field to cut down on the dust.

Juliet moved to call the question Jay wind seconded.
Further discussion was tabled.


Greg Godbout, owner of the Arlington Cinema & Draft house. Reports that they are opening a 6-screen C&D House in Wheaton. 3-4 more in the next 5-7 years. Assured us that Arlington Cinema & Draft house will continue to be the hub of everything they do. The venue is very competitive and they want to take advantage of that while still protecting the single-screen venues, however, they are very committed to protecting the Arlington location.

Mentioned that NY & LA comics talk about wanting to come to Columbia Pike and play the Cinema & Draft House.

Talked about the new restaurant and combining the kitchen so the Draft House has higher-quality food.

8:35 Kit Britton spoke on the Accessory Dwellings Issue.

He mentioned that the process would be a change in the zoning ordinance—which means lots of hearings and public notice.

County-Wide meeting on the County Manager Proposal scheduled in early May at W-L HS. The issue is slated to go to County Board agenda in July.

Arlington Civic Federation has asked questions of the committee. These are available On the Civic Federation’s web site.

Kit’s Commission recommends County AD Permit requirement. (Not building permit).

Code Enforcement inspectors allowed in house as a condition for the permit.

Main point: How is county going to enforce this?

Make it permit-able so it can e regulated.

Juliet Hiznay moved “That accessory dwelling permits be excluded in the duplex area of Arlington Heights.”
Jason Torchinsky seconded.
Discussion ensued.
Juliet calls the question/Richard seconds motion to call the question. Vote on calling the question passes 4-2
Vote on Motion put forth by Juliet:
7 in favor
1 opposed.
Motion Passes
(8 people present).

David moves that “We recommend the county remove the requirement that to get a permit, the permitted person be required to allow access to the inside of the dwelling by the AD owner. Seconded (person not recorded)
1 in favor
5 opposed
1 abstention
Motion fails

Juliet moves that detached ADUs be excluded from the recommendation.
Richard seconded.
Discussion ensued.
3 in favor
4 opposed
Motion fails

9:10 Nominations for First VP.

Jim Gill nominates Martin Chadinsky for First VP.
Jay Wind seconds nomination.
6 in favor
0 opposed
1 abstention.
Nomination Passes

9:12 Old Business

Pedestrian Bridge.

Not going to start before Memorial Day. May not be completed before the Fall.

During work, no pedestrian bridge access at all.

Issue brought up in a recent letter by Juliet to the County Board (main thrust of letter was a permanent toilet for TJ fields). (There are to be some improvements at S Irving that will help safety during the construction.)

Career Center

Phase 1-Recommendation has been put forward to start a building on S Highland next to the Elementary School.

In addn to Existing Career Center program, the following is being considered:

This means there will be a LARGE building right next to PHES and phased construction will not address current Career Center problems. In addition, undergrounding parking would be first before construction (where parking lot is now).

Juliet moved and Richard seconded that “The AHCA President have the authority to send a letter to the county opposing the plan as it exists listing the following reasons:

Motion passed unanimously (7-0)

9:27 New Business

David moved that we get the county to get Walter Reed back to the way it was.
Richard seconded
Jay moved to amend so that the discussion be tabled to July.
Richard seconded.
Motion passed as amended unanimously (7-0)

9:32 Meeting adjourned.

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