Meeting Minutes - DRAFT - Tuesday, July 15, 2008

2024 Meeting Schedule

Normally meetings alternate between
Alice West Fleet Elementary Library
and the
Public Montessori School of Arlington Library.
Meetings start at 7:00 PM.

Please check the newsletter for details.

7:12 Meeting called to order by 1 VP Martin Chadzynski.

In attendance:

Martin Chadzynski Grady Foster, Erika Salas (Merrifield Garden Center), Cathy Kamp, Lauren Hicks, Denise Rolla—Arlington County Events Mgr (Fair vent Mgr), Richard Bullington-Mcguire, Britta Farahati, Alisa Key, Jay Wind, Jason Torchinski, Lt. Don Grinder/Arlington County Police Dept.

7:13 County Fair

Erika Salas of Merrifield Garden Center gave a presentation regarding the booth. Showed a design of the booth for the fair. Orchids and gift cards last year. This year coupons will be distributed before field that gives 10% off of any purchase at Merrifield booth and 10% back to AHCA. Also gift cards will be sold.

Kathy Camp added that total income from Merrifield and grant was $9K for TJ park.

Denise Rolla mentioned Sun Gazette will be contacting fair vendors for ads in tabloid during fair time.

7:21 Richard mentioned the sign up sheet for staffing of the booth.

Rep was not at the meeting. Some thought the home used last year is a rental and a new person lives there now. Richard suggested we move on and investigate further later. (Secretary’s note: the home renter gave subsequent permission for the booth.)

7:27 Jason Torchinski gave verbal Treasurer’s Report.

7:29 Minutes from Spring, 2008 meeting.

Discussion ensued regarding the missing links sidewalk project. Clarification of missing links vs curb and gutter projects. Richard submitted the correction that Britta Farahati was misspelled on page 4.

Martin Chadzynski mentioned that his name was misspelled on page 6.

Richard moved/Cathy Camp seconded that we approve the minutes with changes noted.

All approved.

7:37 Richard report for County Projects.

Accessory Dwelling Unit issue hot at the moment. County Board meeting on Saturday and will consider ADU issues. Richard will be posting latest issues to web site tonight or tomorrow.

Funding for AHCA projects based on points system. We don’t have many.

7:40 Irving Street Project.

Martin reports that West side sidewalk is non-ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliant. Britta mentioned that the neighborhood side is also non-ADA compliant. She added that she thought the plan is to make both sides ADA compliant. Juliet is working with County Board on west side of sidewalk.

The state stopped county work on traffic calming curbs on Irving and 50 when they found out that the county was installing them on state roads.

7:47 Fair report.

Lt. Don Grinder/Arlington County Police Dept. was in attendance to speak about neighborhood police activity during fair. Irving closure during fair: So 2nd and South Irving: No staffing to put officer there.

East side of Irving now a ticket and tow zone as opposed to ticket only. Parking signs will be intensified this year—at least one in front of every home. PLUS extras will be made to replace those destroyed or taken down. Verbiage on sign discussed.

Richard Moved that Police department place cones on entire opening on South Irving and 50 for entire duration of fair.
Seconded by Britta.
Minimum discussion
7 in favor
2 against
Motion carries.

8:10 Discussion of ride placement.

Denise will send Richard the plan of where rides will be set up this year. Cathy Camp mentioned she would be the complaint dept at the information booth for neighbors who have issues.

There will be no outdoor stage this year, with the exception of a tent in the front of the soccer field on Thurs. from 6-7:45.

Secretary of the Army will be there for the opening ceremony.

Stone dust is an issue and is being discussed with Parks Dept. The field will be watered down this year. Looking at other options. Martin mentioned that Juliet is drafting a letter to be signed by Fair board and AHCA for dramatic improvements in this area.

Sprinklers proposal? What happened to the sprinklers for lower field?

Denise will ask Steve Timmerman regarding fair and long range plans.

Denise distributed copies of email from Ravinder Singh regarding pedestrian safety traffic plan for fair.

8:23 Parking

Jay Venett and Cathy O’Mally mentioned issues with parking at 7th near Irving. Parking not sufficient with Patrick Henry and Career Center. Now new Nursing school has made it very difficult and congested. 8:28 Richard moves that we postpone discussion of parking issues in south end until next meeting. No second. Discussion continues.

Martin Chadzynski mentioned the trailers at Career Center and that the decision for trailers will be made by October. Grady Foster mentioned that the school board is considering leasing the parking garage spaces at Highland and ninth.

Richard motions that we postpone discussion on the matter.
Britta seconded with caveat that folks mentioned in Juliet’s notes be invited in the fall.
9 for
0 against
Motion carries.


Martin mentions a possible 4-way stop at Irving and 2nd. Blind corner due to cars and a postal box.

9:42 Jason Torchinski.moved that we suggest to the Traffic Engineering bureau to install a 4-way stop at 2nd and Irving.
Seconded by Grady
Passed 9-0

Richard suggested we petition the neighbors (total of 9) along 2nd and Irving to send to county as back up for argument. Cathy Camp will ask Denise to have fair get behind it.

9:48 Discussion in consideration of changing the Henry school bus drop off to Walter Reed. Not well received. Vote planned for October Meeting.

9:53 Mike Sobola motioned to table discussion until October meeting. Jason Torchinski. seconded.
Motion carried 9-0

8:56 PM Richard moves to adjourn.

Jason Torchinski seconds. 9-0 in favor
Meeting Adjorned.